
  • Reminder – Call for reviewers

    (By Peter Klein) 

    Please sign up to review ENT proposals for the 2019 Academy of Management Annual Meeting! The success of the program depends on the active involvement of ENT Division members in reviewing submissions for the scholarly program. We need your expertise! Besides providing a public service, reviewers also benefit from learning more about the process of research and writing (particularly important for junior scholars).

    To sign up, please follow the link to the AOM registration system  and click on Reviewer Sign-Up System. Be sure to indicate the ENT Division as your top choice, choose your areas of expertise (keywords), and be ready to review 1-3 ENT papers between late January and early February. Please note that even if you have reviewed in the past, you still need to sign up again for the 2019 Annual Meeting.

    Thanks so much for your contribution to our Division.