
Top Tips for Managing a Financial Emergency

By Terrance Palmer posted 10-21-2020 15:21


When finding yourself on the wrong side of a financial emergency, you are not alone. It happens to more people than one might imagine. However, how you deal with the crisis will define your experience and teach you how to handle another one, should it arise.

While it is advantageous to save up money for a rainy day, few people have the financial resources for this. Fortunately, there are other measures to implement when overtaken by a pinch?

Borrowing money

Getting a loan to tide you over can be a blessing. However, it must be repaid, and you should ensure your capacity to honour such an obligation. Whether a loan is a good idea depends on the state of your finances and what type of crisis you are facing.

Taking out a loan that you know cannot be repaid within the specified time is not a good idea as unpaid instalments are subject to interest charges and affect your credit rating. This, in turn, means that you might not be able to secure loans in the future. 

If you need some money to see you through until your next cheque, consider contacting Cobra Payday Loans for a short-term loan that will see to your needs until your pay cheque comes through at the end of the month.

Stringent budgetary practices

To save money for a future crisis or afford loan repayments, examine your monthly budget and trim it to the bone. This means separating expenses into two columns: one of needs, which covers necessities, and one of wants, which covers discretionary spending. Many of the latter of expenditures that could be sacrificed to free up more funds.

For example, you could reduce the sums spent on television viewing subscriptions, entertainment, and takeaways. In extreme cases, you might need to cut them out altogether. 

Family holidays might need to be put on hold until your finances stabilise. While it is disappointing for everyone, it remains a luxury that can be cut out of your budget to save money and repay debts.

Negotiate with lenders

When you have other debts and encounter a financial crisis, make appointments to see your lenders immediately. Discuss your situation and determine what options are available. This could include renegotiated terms of repayment or a payment holiday, which gives you a few months to get back on your feet before you have to start paying again. 

Debtors might insist on seeing your budget and other financial commitments to ensure that you qualify for a renegotiated contract. They can also point you in the direction of government programmes that might help with relief funding.

It might be tempting to take the ostrich approach and pretend your debts do not exist, ignoring lenders’ calls, and avoiding debt collectors. However, debt does not go away when you cannot afford to repay it. As mentioned before, it accrues interest and reflects poorly on your credit rating.

Think outside the box

If you need more money to get through the month, it might be time to start earning some. This is easier than you might think. Find your entrepreneurial streak and see what you can do or sell part-time to supplement your income. 

Many start-ups do not require that much funding. Find one that matches your skills and available time. Who knows, your start-up might be so successful that you could afford to make it your full-time job.

Alternatively, look for part-time work or ask your boss if there are extra shifts or tasks you can take on to earn more money. Do what you can to get through this financial emergency without creating another.

