Also... When I work with startups on improving their pitching I have them watch these two videos:
Victor Schiller
Bayes Business School / City, University of London
Culpeper VA
Original Message:
Sent: 04-24-2023 08:41
From: Victor Schiller
Subject: tv show Silicon Valley?
Interesting idea... Maybe checkout "Halt and Catch Fire" also. While Silicon Valley dramatizes more or less the "Facebook"-type era of derivative startups, Halt and Catch Fire shows real innovation when it was like the wild west. There was no common formula. This show of the earlier days of the Tech Industry might give hints on how to create companies that truly set new standards and push the boundaries. You had to invent the technology. VCs were not a big part of the picture. Bootstrapping was more prominent. I was there and lived through the fun and innovation of the 1980s and 90s.
Victor Schiller
Bayes Business School / City, University of London
Culpeper VA
Original Message:
Sent: 04-23-2023 17:05
From: Norris Krueger
Subject: tv show Silicon Valley?
Is anyone using episodes of Silicon Valley as teaching devices?
"How can I help you to grow entrepreneurs?"
Norris Krueger, Ph.D.