Entrepreneurship ENT

  • 1.  Doctoral Course on Foundational Theories in Entrepreneurship : Content Request

    Posted 08-10-2023 21:19

    Dear Colleagues, 

    BML Munjal University situated near Delhi in India is a New Age Multidisciplinary Private University. Innovation and Entrepreneurship are important values in the Strategic Plan of the university and BMU aims to become an entrepreneurial university. 

    To aid in this effort we have launched a doctoral program in entrepreneurship and are commencing with the coursework for the first set of scholars on Sept 23. 

    I request your support in sharing content for a doctoral course titled " Foundational Theories in Entrepreneurship" that is being offered to the first doctoral cohort. The course is visualized in Seminar Mode. 

    Pls share a link or write to me at deepak.pandit@bmu.edu.in 

    Thank you for your support.

    Best Regards

    Dr. Deepak Pandit 

    Chair Professor - Innovation and Entrepreneurship 

    Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 

    BML Munjal University 


    Deepak Pandit
    Endowed Chair
    BML Munjal University
    (981) 131-1032

  • 2.  RE: Doctoral Course on Foundational Theories in Entrepreneurship : Content Request

    Posted 08-14-2023 16:28
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    Deepak, I teach a doctoral seminar course as part of our PhD program in the School of Entrepreneurship at Oklahoma State. The course takes a broader perspective on entrepreneurship to contextualize/embed the disciplinary literature both historically and within economic understanding(s) of the market process. We offer it as a complement to other seminar courses on entrepreneurship theory, but it works well as a stand-alone theory course as well. I've attached the syllabus that I'm updating for this fall's edition.






    PER L BYLUND | Associate Professor

    Johnny D. Pope Chair

    School of Entrepreneurship

    424 Business Building | Stillwater, OK 74078

    405-744-4301 | per.bylund@okstate.edu


    Sent from Surface Pro 9 with Windows 11



    6213 syllabus.pdf   311 KB 1 version

  • 3.  RE: Doctoral Course on Foundational Theories in Entrepreneurship : Content Request

    Posted 08-14-2023 21:53

    Here is the syllabus and reading list we use at Morgan state.


    Golshan Javadian Ph.D.
    Associate Professor at Morgan State University, Faculty Fellow at the Howard University & PNC National Center for Entrepreneurship, Associate Editor at New England Journal of Entrepreneurship
    (443) 885-4289 

  • 4.  RE: Doctoral Course on Foundational Theories in Entrepreneurship : Content Request

    Posted 08-20-2023 14:53
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    Hi Deepak - this list has been shared with me in the past. It is a bit outdated, but the classics never get old. Hope you find it helpful

    Rosanna Garcia
    Worcester MA