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HCM Division Programming for the "Virtual" AOM 2020

  • 1.  HCM Division Programming for the "Virtual" AOM 2020

    Posted 06-10-2020 18:05

    Dear Members of the HCM Division,

    We hope you are healthy and safe in these challenging and tumultuous times. We are writing to let you know more details regarding the HCM Division program and related events at the virtual annual AOM meeting, August 6th – 11th. The Executive Committee and AOM are still working furiously to finalize the precise details, but we wanted to provide an overview of what HCM will be doing and how it will work.

    The 2020 annual meeting will be virtual, centrally coordinated by AOM using a shared online platform for every accepted paper session, symposia and PDW. The program will have both asynchronous and synchronous components.

    • Asynchronous sessions will not be held live. Approximately 90% of accepted papers and symposia will be invited to be part of asynchronous sessions, which can vary in format and content such as pre-recorded videos and presentations, pre-posted slides, or asynchronous communications (e.g., via tools like discussion boards). Online content related to the sessions will be available for asynchronous interaction through the end of August.
    • Synchronous sessions will be held live. Each division has been allotted the equivalent of 10% of its regular program to be reserved for synchronous sessions.
    • Papers, will include the papers selected for AOM's Best Paper Proceedings and/or HCM Division paper awards.
    • Symposia will include the top 10% of symposia (i.e., Showcase Symposia).
    • PDWs will include our very popular and recurring Research and Teaching Incubators. We will also have additional PDWs that focus on the needs, especially, of our junior faculty regarding theory in HCM research and mixed methods.
    • An abbreviated form of the Emerging Scholars Consortium
    • HCM Business Meeting (including HCM Division awards; we will also honor awardees in person in 2021) and Plenary Session featuring an address from our Keith Provan Distinguished Scholar winner.

     Can I opt-out of the virtual Program?

    • To participate, you will need to "opt-in" to the virtual program. If you prefer to "opt-out", no action will be required. No author team is required to participate in the virtual program. You are free to opt-out. We are very aware of and sympathetic to the many constraints and demands (both work and non-work) especially facing the members of the HCM Division. Please take care of yourself first and foremost.
      • If you opt-out of the virtual program, you can still list your participation in the 2020 AOM program participation on your CV as you typically would.

    If I "opt-in" do I need to pay to attend and participate in the virtual conference?

    Yes. $200 USD for academic members and $100 USD for students. The registration allows you to access both the synchronous and asynchronous elements of the conference via the platform. You are required to register to access any other asynchronous papers or take part in any synchronous activities including participating in the program.


    Can I volunteer to help?

    Yes! We are looking for "Digital Chairs" and "Digital Coordinators" - people to "chair," facilitate, and publicize digital sessions, both synchronous and asynchronous. These individuals can also help logistically and bring energy and engagement to making the virtual AOM be a great event (e.g., using social media). AOM is coordinating, but please send an email to Program Chair Brian Hilligoss ( if you'd like to volunteer.

    Next steps

    If you have questions in the meantime, please feel free to contact any member of the Executive Committee, but you can start with Tim Vogus ( We will also compile questions into a FAQ that we will post on the HCM AOM Connect site.

    Be well and we'll be in touch with more AOM related information soon,

    Tim Vogus, HCM Division Chair

    Sara Singer, HCM Division Chair-Elect

    Brian Hilligoss, Program Chair

    Ria Hearld, PDW Chair

    Tia Gilmartin, Past Division Chair

    Tim Vogus
    Vanderbilt Univ