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Deadline approaching: CDI Special Issue - Masculinity, Careers, and Family

  • 1.  Deadline approaching: CDI Special Issue - Masculinity, Careers, and Family

    Posted 30 days ago

    Hello everyone,

    We, Guest Editors (Dr. Joseph Regina, Dr. Haley Cobb, Dr. Yingyi Chang, and Dr. Danielle Gardner), are currently accepting submissions for our Special Issue in Career Development International (2023 Impact Factor: 3.4) titled "Changing, evolving, persisting: Exploring the role of masculinity in careers and family." The aim of this special issue is to examine how masculinity impacts careers and families via topics including (but not limited to) masculinity contest culture, ideal worker norms, gender-related usage of career/family supportive policies (e.g., parental leave), and work/family gendered expectations of various actors (e.g., focal actors, family members, work peers, subordinates, and/or supervisors).


    If you have relevant research, we warmly welcome your submissions. For more information about the journal, please visit: https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/cdi


    And Special Issue below: 



    Thank you for considering our Special Issue for your work. If you wish to submit then the submission date is the end of this month (January 31, 2025).

    Joseph Regina
    Assistant Professor
    Rutgers University-Camden
    Collingswood NJ