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PDW call for participants

  • 1.  PDW call for participants

    Posted 12-10-2024 18:48

    I am part of a small group currently preparing a PDW proposal for the upcoming AoM conference in Copenhagen on the topic of sex work.  Some of us first met at AoM 2023 in Boston and published on the topic. We organized and held a similar PDW last September at the Danish Gender Conference in Copenhagen.
    As a complex and important phenomenon, we believe it is high time to collegially discuss the state of the art and the way forward. Thus, we are convening a PDW for AoM 2025 on the topic of sex-related work, as a steppingstone to build a research community around that topic, enabling a mapping of current research and delineating avenues. Our understanding of sex work is broad, from lap- or pole dancing to non-coerced prostitution. Relate topics such as stigma or emancipation will also be of interest. Notably, we are strongly aware of both the stigma transfer related to sex work, and the emotional/ethical implications of doing field research around sex-related topics. Thus, our goal is to open up the discussion, create a community, a map a network from a feminist and intersectional stance. 

    Please do reach out to me if you are interested in being listed on the submission as a roundtable facilitator or participant.

    best wishes,

    Florence Villesèche

    Florence Villeseche
    Copenhagen Business School