Conflict Management CM

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2024 CM Division Award Winners!

  • 1.  2024 CM Division Award Winners!

    Posted 08-20-2024 11:05


    The Conflict Management Division is proud to announce this year's recipients of our conference awards!

    1.      The Winners of the Most Influential Article Award from 2016-2019 are Lingtao Yu and Mary Zellmer-Bruhn for "Introducing Team Mindfulness and Considering its Safeguard Role Against Conflict Transformation and Social Undermining" published in the Academy of Management Journal, 61(1), 324–347

    The Selection Committee includes Tina Diekmann, Ray Friedman, Robert Lount, Beta Mannix and Pri Shah (chair)

    2.      The Best Conflict-In-Context Award Winners are Polly Kang and David P. Daniels for "Can Experience Extinguish Worker Decision Biases? A Natural Field Experiment at a Major Organization."

    This award is sponsored by Emerald Publishing and The International Journal of Conflict Management. Selection committee members include Thea Tomova Shakur (chair), Francesca Nannetti & Julia Coff.

    3.      The Best New Directions Paper Award Winners is Madhi Vesal for "Fostering Sustainable Innovation and Hybrid Performance in Family Firms."

    This award is sponsored by The International Association for Conflict Management (IACM) and The Negotiation and Conflict Management Journal. Selection committee members include Zhenyu Yuan (chair), Tyree Mitchell, & Siyu Yu.

    4.      The Best Empirical or Theoretical Paper Award Winners are Robert Lount and Seunghoo Chung for "The Impact of the Good cop/Bad cop Role Strategy on Value creation in Team-on-Team Negotiations."

    This award is sponsored by the Dispute Resolution Research Center (DRRC) at the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University. Selection committee members include Hsuan-Che (Brad) Huang (chair), Julian Zlatev, & Jennifer Dannals.

    5.      The Best Student Paper Award Winner is Ambreen Ben-Shmuel for "Intergenerational Confrontation and Organizational Change in the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Context."

    This award is sponsored by the Dispute Resolution Research Center (DRRC) at the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University. Selection committee members include Christina Bradley (chair), Bushra Guenoun, & McKenzie Preston.

    Congratulations to all of our award winners & thanks to our committee members for your help in selecting these awards!

    Pri Shah
    University of Minnesota
    Minneapolis MN
    (612) 624-9863