The International Management (IM) Division Professional Award Committee which consists of John Cantwell, Rosalie Tung, Elizabeth Rose, Anu Phene and Jaeyong Song (Chair) selected Donald R. Lessard, the Epoch Foundation Professor of International Management and Professor of Systems Engineering, Emeritus, at MIT. The Executive Committee of the IM Division approved the recommendation. Thus, as the Chair of the IM Division Professional Award Committee, I am pleased to announce that Donald Lessard will be the recipient of the 2022 IM Division Hyundai Motor Eminent Scholar Award. A special session on the Eminent Scholar award winner will be held at 4 p.m., PDT on August 8th (Mon), immediately preceding the IM Division business meeting.
In addition, the Professional Award Committee considered nominations and has selected the following IM Division award winners.
- IM Division Amorepacific Outstanding Educator Award – Stephanie Lenway (University of St.Thomas)
- IM Division Outstanding Service to the Global Community Award – Lorraine Eden (Texas A&M University)
- IM Division FIU Emerging Scholar Award – Liang Chen (University of Melbourne)
These awards will be given at the IM Division's business meeting which will be held at 5:45 p.m., PDT on August 8th (Mon).
Please join us in congratulating all award winners.
Jaeyong Song
Immediate Past Chair, International Management Division, Academy of Management
Chair, IM Division Professional Award Committee
Amorepacific Professor of Strategy and International Management, Seoul National University
Jaeyong Song
Seoul National University
82 2 8809080