Health Care Management HCM

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  • 1.  HCM Conference Highlights

    Posted 07-31-2024 08:26

    Hi Everyone!

    As we make travel and conference plans for Chicago, I want to bring your attention to a few of this year's conference highlights.

    In addition to our usual Emerging Scholars Consortium on Friday, and our usual slate of excellent PDWs on Saturday, this year for the first time we have a full schedule of paper sessions and symposia on Sunday! The Sunday sessions start at 8:00 AM and conclude at 6:45 PM. Please keep this in mind as you plan your schedule.

    In addition, everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend the division's annual business meeting on Monday afternoon, starting at 4:15 PM. After a brief report of this year's division activities, our esteemed best paper and individual division awards will be presented. Immediately following the business meeting, Dr. Martin P. Charns, this year's Keith G. Provan Distinguished Scholar award winner, will give a keynote address. Then, all are welcome to attend the 2024 HCM Division Reception, starting at 6:30, at SPIN Chicago. 

    This year, also for the first time, we will have a group of designated "HCM Ambassadors." The Ambassador team will consist of division leaders, executive committee members, and Membership and Student Engagement committee members, who will be wearing a special ambassador ribbon to signal to new members, first time attendees, or anyone with questions, that we are here to help! Thanks to our HCM student leaders and the Student Engagement committee for implementing this idea! Be sure to say "hi" to an Ambassador.

    Finally, for now anyway, be on the lookout for the Communication Committee's regular conference emails that will provide details and updates each day of the conference. Thanks to Tory Hogan and the Communication Committee for putting the time in to keep us all updated on conference activities!

    Cheryl Rathert
    Saint Louis University
    St Louis MO
    HCM Division Chair