***Apologies for cross-posting***
Dear all,
We are happy to share Issue 2(3) of the Journal of Organizational Sociology (JOSO) with you. We are honored to feature an article by Andreas Diedrich and Barbara Czarniawska in this issue. Barbara's legacy will undoubtedly continue to inspire organizational researchers for a long time to come.
Link to the whole issue:
Research Articles
(De)Constructing the Disruption: Enacted Sensemaking and Sensegiving in Institutionally Plural Fields
Amal Kumar & Monica C. Higgins
Sensing that Something is Wrong: On the Role of Senses in Sensemaking in Frontline Safety Work
Grethe Midtlyng
Social Systems of Flexible Production: Organizational Conditions for the Resurgence of Craft
Judith Nyfeler
Organizing Integration of Refugees: Translation and Hybridization
Andreas Diedrich & Barbara Czarniawska
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Michael Grothe-Hammer
Associate Professor
Norwegian University of Science and Technology