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Presenting in the Rough PDW at AOM Chicago (2024)

  • 1.  Presenting in the Rough PDW at AOM Chicago (2024)

    Posted 07-17-2024 09:41
    The MOC Division is hosting a PDW that focuses on presentation skills (such as for job talks and conference presentations). The PDW will feature both academics and practitioners from the performing arts!
    Saturday, August 10th; 8-9:30am (Sheraton: Tennessee)

    Featured panelists:
    • Clare Haden, actor/voice and speech coach
    • Hooria Jazaieri, Santa Clara University
    • Lumumba Seegars, Harvard Business School
    • Danny Southwick, Brigham Young University

    Look forward to seeing you there!

    To build on the PDW after AOM, for PhD students who are interested in an online 30-minute slot with a practitioner coach, please register here before July 31st. There will be a total of 8 slots available. Preference will be given to those on the job market.
    Practitioner coaches:
    • Christianne Klein, TV anchor
    • Robin Steegman, actress

    Dejun "Tony" Kong
    Associate Professor
    Leeds School of Business
    University of Colorado Boulder