Health Care Management HCM

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Research Incubator: Research in the Rough

  • 1.  Research Incubator: Research in the Rough

    Posted 04-19-2024 17:18

    Research Incubator: Research in the Rough 

    (Application Required, due 6/1/24)

    Location: In-person at Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL

    Session time at AOM: Saturday, August 10th, 2024 (Time and room location TBD)

    The Health Care Management (HCM) Division invites researchers to participate in a highly interactive, in-person research PDW during the 2024 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Accepted applicants must have an active AOM membership and be registered for the 2024 annual meeting.

    The session is designed to provide researchers with all levels of experience (doctoral students, early careerists, senior scholars) with constructive feedback on their in-progress research projects, ranging from early stage conceptualization to later stage manuscript preparation. Each participant will discuss, one-on-one, their research projects with each of their 2 mentors, rotating in timed increments. The application form will provide an opportunity to provide a brief synopsis of the project (abstract-length) and specific aspects of their project for which they would like input and discussion. Applicants should not submit full manuscripts or presentations. 

    All applicants must submit an application by June 1st, 2024. To submit an application, please go to: 2024 RiR Application. Applicants will be notified no later than July 15th, 2024 if they have been accepted.

    Please direct any questions to:

    Charlotte at or Ren at 


    We look forward to reviewing your application and connecting with you in Chicago!


    Charlotte Croft, University of Liverpool Management School

    Dori Cross, University of Minnesota School of Public Health

    Wiljeana Glover, Babson College

    Ren Lovegood, University of Massachusetts Boston

    Ren Lovegood
    Doctoral Student
    UMass Boston College of Management
    Stoughton MA
    (617) 970-6838