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AMP SI: Making it better by working together

  • 1.  AMP SI: Making it better by working together

    Posted 11-08-2024 09:20

    The Academy of Management Perspectives (AMP) seeks papers for the following special issue:

    Making it better by working together: Practical and proven ways for collaboration between business, government, and civil society to improve social, environmental, and economic performance

    We are fortunate to have a set of great guest editors: Sophie Bacq, Aline Gatignon, and Irene Henriques, and a dude who also ain't too bad as the associate editor: Sandro Cabral. 

    Please see the call for papers here: AMP Call for Special Issue Papers: Making it Better by Working Together

    Papers are due next Halloween: 31 October 2025. We'll have an in-person manuscript development workshop at AOM 2025 in Copenhagen, and we'll organize a virtual session this winter to discuss the fit of your paper ideas with AMP's mission and the theme of this special issue.

    So, please send us your best work, so that we can work together to help managers and the world do better!

    AMPly yours,

    Mike Barnett, AMP Editor

    Michael Barnett
    Rutgers University
    Newark NJ
    (973) 353-3697