The AOM International Management Division Outstanding Service to the Global Community Award recognizes continuous excellence in serving the international community. While the IM Division provides opportunities to serve the global community, this is not an award for service to our division. Rather, the award scope is sufficiently broad to recognize the service made via many organizations, including international institutions, governments, and/or non-governmental organizations. The award favors longstanding service, but impactful service in a concentrated period of time will also be considered. The award is selected by the division's Professional Awards Committee, chaired by the Past Division Chair. It consists of three past chairs and two recent winners of the IM Division Hyundai Motor Eminent Scholar Award.
The AOM International Management Division solicits nominations for this award. Please send nomination letters to IM Division Past Chair Grazia Santangelo at along with a letter motivating the nomination by November 1, 2024. Please indicate the IM Division Outstanding Service to the Global Community Award in the subject line.
Prior recipients of the award include:
2024 Elizabeth Rose (IIM Udaipur)
2023 Arie Y. Lewin PhD Lewin (Duke University)
2022 Lorraine Eden (Texas A&M)
2021 Eleanor Westney (York University)
2020 Rosalie L. Tung (Simon Fraser University)
2019 Timothy Devinney (University of Leeds)
2018 Stephen B. Tallman (University of Richmond)
2017 Jean J. Boddewyn (Baruch College, City University of New York)
2016 Art Kleiner (PWC Strategy&)
2015 Seung Ho Park (China Europe International Business School (CEIBS))
Grazia Santangelo
Copenhagen Business School
Grazia Santangelo
Copenhagen Business School