Greetings AOM IM Community,
Under the theme of identity-based experiences in organizations, we would like to propose a symposium that furthers our understanding of how individual demographic identities may contribute to differences in workplace experiences. We welcome manuscripts that are working papers with theoretical, conceptual, or empirical studies.
If you have a working paper on this topic, please send us an abstract (300-500 words) of what you would like to present in the symposium by Nov 25. The abstract should contain the project title, key ideas, contributions, description of methods, and data and analysis (if applicable).
Please email both Chris ( and me ( to indicate your interest or for additional information. You will be contacted shortly should your abstract align with the theme of this symposium. Final long abstract submissions from selected participants will be due on Dec 6. Thank you.
Best regards,
Chris and Megan
Christopher Flowers - PhD candidate - Management Science & Engineering | Stanford University
Megan Chan Banks - PhD student - Business Administration | Stockholm School of Economics
Megan Chan