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Post-doc opportunity in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

  • 1.  Post-doc opportunity in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

    Posted 11-03-2024 08:25
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    🚨 We are looking for a curious, ambitious, and motivated postdoc researcher to join our team at the Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin in collaboration with Trinity Centre for Digital Business & Analytics and the ADAPT Centre as part of the Horizon Europe-funded project Horizon TechConnect!

    🔍 What's TechConnect?
    Horizon TechConnect explores the interaction between advanced digital technologies (e.g. AI, robotics) and human skills, focusing on Human-Tech Skill Complementarity. We aim to close the gap between how technology is intended to be used and how it's actually applied in various sectors - especially in healthcare and hospitals.

    📅 Ready for the challenge? Apply now and be part of something transformative!

    Applicants should submit a cover letter and full Curriculum Vitae to include the names and contact details of 2 referees (including email addresses), to:-
    TechConnect Project Manager, Ms Valerie De Moor at valerie.demoor@adaptcentre.ie and Coordinator Professor Na Fu at na.fu@adaptcenter.ie.

    More information can be found in the attached job description document. 

    Na Fu
    Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland


    Job description.pdf   211 KB 1 version