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Symposium on social capital in organizations and performance - call for Abstracts.

  • 1.  Symposium on social capital in organizations and performance - call for Abstracts.

    Posted 12-04-2019 16:12

     Dear Colleagues,

    We are putting together a presenter symposium on Social capital in organizations and performance, intended to submit to the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Vancouver, August 7-11, 2020 We would appreciate the opportunity to consider your work for inclusion within that symposium.

    Batia Ben-Hador and Galit Klein
    Ariel University


    Social Capital (SC), a concept that stems from sociology and economics (Coleman, 1988), refers to the benefits that are derived from interactions between people (Putnam, 2000). SC has been recognized as an important intangible factor for improving life quality (Lin, 1999). It can produce many positive outcomes related to physical and mental health as well as happiness, activeness, and more (Gao et al., 2014).

    In organizations, SC is an important concept clarifying the utility of employee social life in the workplace. There are different levels of organizational SC (Ben-Hador, 2017) – the personal level (Yu & Junshu, 2013), the intra-organizational level (Ben-Hador, 2016) and the external level (Yong,2005).

    Many researchers found it difficult to find direct connections between SC in organizations and performance (Carmeli et al. 2009; Ben-Hador & Klein, 2019). Leana and Van Buren (1999) suggested that social capital does not interact directly with employee performance but has an indirect influence thru mechanisms like flexible organization, a common activity of the employees and knowledge sharing. The purpose of the symposium is to explore SC in organizations and the connection to performance.

    Examples of topics for the proposed symposium could be factors that shape SC in organizations, SC and performance, as well as critical points of view.

     If you are interested in having your work included in this symposium submission, please send a 250-500 word abstract to batiabh@ariel.ac.il  by December 10th, 2019. Abstract selection complete and notifications will be made by December 15th, 2019, when extended abstracts are due January 4th, 2020




    Ben-Hador, B. (2016). How Intra - organizational social capital influences employee performance?. Journal of Management Development. 35(9), 1119-1133.

    Ben-Hador, B. (2017). Three Levels of organizational social capital and their connection to performance. Journal of Management Development,36(3), 348-360.

    Ben-Hador, B. & Klein, G. (Forthcoming). Act Your Age? The Connection Between Age, Intrapreneurship, Social Capital and Performances. Employee Relation

    Carmeli, A., Ben -Hador. B., Waldman, D.A.,&  Rupp, D.E. (2009). How leaders cultivate social capital and nurture employee vigor: Implication for job performance. Journal of Applied Psychology. 94(6), 1553-1561.

    Coleman, J. S. (1988). Social capital in the creation of human capital. American Journal of Sociology, 94 ,.S95-S120.

    Gao, J. Weaver, S. R. Dai, J. Jia, Y. Liu, X. Jin, K. &  Fu, H. (2014). Workplace social capital and mental health among Chinese employees: A multi-level, cross-sectional study. PLoS One, 9, e85005.

    Leana, C.R. & Van Buren, H.J.(1999), Organizational social capital and employment practices. Academy of Management Review,  24 (3), 538-556.

    Lin, N. (1999). Building a network theory of social capital. Connections, 22 (1), 28-51.‏

    Putnam, R.D. (2000), Bowling alone: American declining social Capital. Journal of Democracy, 6,.65-78.

    Yu, C. & Junshu, D. (2013), A literature review of the effects of social capital – from the personal network perspective. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4,251-259.



    Batia Ben Hador
    Department of Economics and Business Administration, Ariel U. Israel