Dear all,
Neuroscience methods (from wearables and eye-tracking to hormones and brain responses) have revolutionized behavioral research in recent decades: we can record objective responses with second-to-second precision directly from the brain and the body, sometimes 24/7. Indeed, neuroscience rapidly emerges as a new method to understand, record and predict organizational, human resources and management phenomena.
This (free) 3-hour workshop, supported by NBS (NTU) and Academy of Management / Organizational Neuroscience (NEU) Interest Group, provides an introduction to neuroscience methods for organizational and management researchers. We will cover the basics of what additional insights neuroscience methods offer to management research and discuss practical considerations such as setting up a lab or integrating neuroscience methods into your research portfolio and departments. The workshop's content will be tailored to participants' needs. The workshop is organised by Assoc. Professor Georgios Christopoulos (NBS, NTU).
Limited slots are available, and registration for the AMRC is not required to attend the workshop. All levels, from graduate students to deans, are welcome, and previous experience with neuroscience methods is not necessary.
Feel free to disseminate this to your colleagues.