Beatrice Van Der Heijden interviews Lotte Bailyn for her impact on women's careers. Through a gender lens, Lotte explains her evolving work that sought to change organizational practices to enhance gender equity and work-life integration. #Careers #InternationalManagement #HumanResources ...
GDO Proposed Domain Name Change: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Organizations (DEIO) (8/1/22) GDO is updating its division name and domain statement. The proposal is currently being reviewed by other DIGs and the Academy of Management Board Of Governors. Once approval comes from the...
GDO Domain change proposal FINAL 4-15-22.pdf
A place for LGBTQ+ scholars and allies to connect and discuss topics relevant to our community.
The Careers Division of the Academy of Management addresses people's lifelong succession of work experiences, the structure of opportunity to work, and the relationship between careers and other aspects of life.