Dear colleagues and friends,
We would like to draw your attention to the upcoming Organization Studies Summer Workshop on “The Future of Strategizing and Organizing as Practice: Extensions and Connections”, which will take place on Crete (May 22-24. 2025). The workshop is linked to a special issue of ORGANIZATION STUDIES on the same topic.
CONVENERS: Paula Jarzabkowski, Renate Kratochvil, Shenghui Ma, Linda Rouleau, David Seidl
TOPIC: The Future of Strategizing and Organizing as Practice
We aim to inspire and encourage scholars to go beyond conventional thinking in strategy and organization research by expanding the scope of SAP. We suggest four promising avenues for future expansion. First, future research could mobilize the SAP approach to investigate how organizations deal with societal and critical challenges. Second, we encourage researchers to explore new forms of strategizing and organizing. Third, another avenue of expanding SAP research is to explore strategizing in new geographic contexts. Lastly, building new bridges and connections between SAP and other streams of research can generate important new insights and advance the field of strategy and organization research as a whole. Potential topics include (but are not limited to):
Investigating societal and critical challenges:
• How can SAP shed light on the dynamics of climate change adaptation strategies within and among organizations, or on the absence of such strategies?
• What novel practices of strategizing and organizing emerge in response to societal challenges like poverty, war, and conflict? But also, which micro-level practices might (unintentionally) contribute to the emergence of conflict and poverty?
• How do organizations deal with diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in strategizing and organizing activities? What practices contribute to the promotion or hindrance of DEI?
• Are there discernible changes in the way organizations formulate their strategies as a result of evolving societal norms and expectations, particularly regarding Environmental, Social, & Corporate Governance (ESG)?
• How do organizations strategize and organize in extreme contexts, such as war and natural disasters?
Exploring new forms of strategizing and organizing:
• What practices are involved in the establishment, maintenance, and alteration of ecosystems?
• How do digital-intensive technologies such as AI and other new technologies shape the form of strategy making and organizing?
• What are the practices of virtual strategizing and organizing and their implications?
• How can potentially new forms of strategizing and organizing enhance creativity and innovation within and outside organizations?
• What practices lead to, maintain, and dissolve disorganization and unsettlement?
Discovering new geographic contexts:
• Which strategizing and organizing practices do actors in organizations from other world regions, such as Africa, Asia, and South America, and the specific countries within them, develop, enact, and modify?
• Are there distinct challenges or opportunities in the strategizing and organizing process when organizations operate in diverse global regions?
• What unique cultural and/or indigenous influences shape strategizing and organizing practices in different world regions, and with what implications for our understanding of strategy?
• How do practices transfer between different geographic and cultural contexts?
Developing connections and dialogues with other research streams:
· What can SAP learn from other streams of research?
· How can SAP be combined with other approaches?
· How can SAP incorporate new theories?