Which article has greatly influenced you?
Please submit an AMJ article that shaped (or is still shaping!) your thinking.
→ Maybe the theoretical framing inspired a current or future research project.
→ Maybe this article is the structural blueprint of your manuscript first drafts.
→ Maybe the findings were so memorable and counterintuitive.
→ Maybe the methods delighted you.
→ Something else?
We will read some of your submissions live during our AMJ Radio Live Spaces event this Wed. Nov. 14th at 11 AM ET (links below). The goal of this exercise is for us to collect some of your experiences reading and reflecting on studies that were particularly helpful and inspiring to you and to share these experiences with the wider scholarly community. Please submit articles (not authored by you) that could help us meet this goal.
We'll continue to share your submissions on the third Wednesday of every month during our weekly live conversations on X (Twitter). Your submissions will also guide our selection of future guests on the program. You may submit anonymously. Thank you in advance for your short reflections and submissions.
→ Submit an influential AMJ paper here.
Add the live event to your calendar here | Set reminder on X (Twitter) here