A friendly reminder that there are two days left for pre-registering the PDW on human-AI collaboration.
Event Details
- Date/Time: Sunday August 11, 2024, 8:00AM - 11:00AM
- Location: Sheraton in Sheraton Ballroom V
- Format: Panel presentations and live demos are open to all attendees; Paper exchange workshop and human-AI roundtable discussions require pre-registration
- Presenter/Demonstrator: Léonard Boussioux (UW), Nan Jia (USC), Hyunjin Kim (INSEAD), DK Lee (BU), Natalia Levina (NYU), Maytal Saar-Tsechansky (UT Austin), Brian Uzzi (Northwestern)
How to "Pre-Register"
We will host two roundtable options for our PDW attendees: 1) Paper Exchange Roundtable: Participants are expected to share their 3-5 extended abstract and gain insights from panelists and peers. Accepted participants will be notified of their assignment of table end of July; 2) Human-AI Collaboration Roundtable: Participants with no paper submissions would engage in stimulating conversations and exchange ideas on subjects connected to Human-AI collaboration (no panelists). Ph.D. students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior faculty are encouraged to apply.
- Registration link: https://forms.gle/xEGCMCUNVkUuCkiF9
- Deadline: Friday July 12, 2024
- What to submit: Your name, email, institution & AOM interest group affiliations, research interests, [for paper exchange table only] a short abstract, 3-5 page extended abstract (excluding references, figures, and tables).
Workshop Structure
Part 1: Panel Presentations, Live Demonstrations, and Q&A - Open to All
Human-AI Collaboration and Decision Making: Will AI Replace Human Authorities? (55 mins)
Hyunjin Kim (INSEAD)
Natalia Levina (NYU)
Maytal Saar-Tsechansky (UT Austin)
Human-AI Collaboration and Creativity: The Death of Human Innovators? (65 mins)
Léonard Boussioux (University of Washington)
DK Lee (Boston University)
Nan Jia (USC)
Brian Uzzi (Northwestern)
Part 2: Roundtable Discussions - Pre-registration Required
Parallel paper exchange and human-AI collaboration roundtable sessions (1 hour)
For questions, contact the organizers:
Fabrizio Dell'Acqua (fdellacqua@hbs.edu); Jackie Lane (jnlane@hbs.edu); Hatim Rahman (hatim.rahman@kellogg.northwestern.edu); Miaomiao Zhang (mzhang@hbs.edu)
We look forward to seeing you in Chicago!
Fabrizio, Jackie, Hatim, and Miaomiao
Miaomiao Zhang
Harvard Business School
Cambridge MA