Industry Studies Association: Junior Faculty & Doctoral Professional Development Workshop (PDW)
The Early Career Development Committee of the Industry Studies Association is pleased to announce that the 2025 Professional Development Workshop (PDW) for early-career industry studies scholars will take place on Wed-Jun-04.
Faculty development is a core component of the Industry Studies Association's mission. The PDW supports early-career scholars engaged in industry studies research by providing friendly and supportive career-related advice and the opportunity to form a network of junior and senior colleagues. In addition, the PDW brings together scholars across the range of disciplines and industries represented by the ISA, enabling greater interdisciplinary collaboration. We invite participation from both junior faculty (assistant professors) and advanced doctoral students.
The PDW will be at the 2025 Industry Studies Association Annual Conference (link). Participants will be asked to submit a CV and description of their research before the event. To foster informality, collegiality, and open discussion, the workshop will be limited to 40 participants. Conference registration is required to participate in the PDW. Registration is available through the conference registration page (link). Papers must be submitted to the conference by Fri-Jan-24, but we welcome PDW registrations anytime before Fri-May-16.
If you have any questions, please reach out anytime to Jeff Furman (
Jeff Furman
Boston University
Boston MA