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New fast track at Creativity and Innovation Management

  • 1.  New fast track at Creativity and Innovation Management

    Posted 21 days ago
    Edited by Tim Schweisfurth 21 days ago

    Exciting News from Creativity and Innovation Management Journal!

    We are thrilled to introduce a new submission possibility in our journal: CIM Fast Track Articles.

    The CIM Fast Track is an expedited review process that accepts (with minor revisions, if needed) or 
    rejects papers after just one round of review. It is designed for authors who are confident about the 
    quality of their research and its potential to make a significant contribution to the field of Creativity and 
    Innovation Management (CIM).

    Like any submissions for CIM, the fast-track submissions will be triaged by a managing editor. For these submissions, the potential to be accepted (with minor changes) in the first round needs to be clearly visible. If the submission is approved for the fast track, the initial review is conducted through CIM's normal double-blind process. All reviewers will be aware of the fast-track character of the submission.

    Find out more here: CIM-Fast-Track-Submission-Guide-1731345334187.pdf

    Editor in Chiefs Rene Goduscheit and Tim Schweisfurth

    Tim Schweisfurth
    Hamburg University of Technology