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Online Course: Quantitative approaches to literature reviews

  • 1.  Online Course: Quantitative approaches to literature reviews

    Posted 04-29-2024 08:51
    If you're interested in bibliometric methods and topic modeling for literature reviews, you're welcome to join the week-long online course Quantitative approaches to literature reviews. It's a useful hands-on course where participants will be encouraged and guided to develop their own literature review projects that use these advanced methods. It will be held online 8-12 July 2024.

    The purpose of this intensive course is to train researchers in using advanced quantitative methods for literature reviews. Specifically, the course will deliver training in bibliometric methods (e.g. co-citation analysis, bibliographic coupling, historiography) and topic modeling (LDA) to participants using a combination of lectures, discussions and hands-on workshops.

    More information about the registration and SEB doctoral summer school here:

    You can find the full syllabus here:

    Best regards,
    Ivan Zupic