SIM Textbook/Syllabi

Links to Textbooks with Syllabi
Archie B. Carroll, Jill Brown & Ann K. Buchholtz, Business and Society: Ethics, Sustainability and Stakeholder Management, 2018.

David Chandler, Corporate Social Responsibility: A Strategic Perspective, 2015.

Joanne B. Ciulla, Clancy Martin & Robert C. Solomon, Honest Work: A Business Ethics Reader, 2014.

Denis Collins, Business Ethics: Best Practices for Designing and Managing Ethical Organizations, 2018.

C. Ferrell, JohnFraedrich & Linda Ferrell,Business Ethics, Ethical Decision Making & Cases, 2017.

Timothy L. Fort, The Vision of the Firm, 2017.

Mary C. Gentile, Giving Voice to Values: How to Speak Your Mind When You Know What’s Right, 2012.

Laura P. Hartman, Joseph R. DesJardins & Chris MacDonald, Business Ethics: Decision Making for Personal Integrity & Social Responsibility, 2018. 

Anne T. Lawrence & James Weber, Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy, 2017.

Praveen Parboteeah & John B. Cullen,Business Ethics, 2012.

Michael J. Sandel, Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do? 2010.

Leslie E. Sekerka, Ethics is a Daily Deal: Choosing to Build Moral Strength as a Practice, 2016.

William H. Shaw & Vincent Barry, Moral Issues in Business, 2015. 

Eugene Soltes, Why They Do It: Inside the Mind of a White-Color Criminal, 2016

Kelly Strader,Understanding White Collar Crime,2017. 

Joseph Weiss, Business Ethics, A Stakeholder & Issues Management Approach, 2014.


Links to Syllabi with No Required Textbooks

Business–Government Readings, Doug Schuler

Ethics, Diversity & Social Responsibility, Scott Jeffrey

First Year Business Ethics, University of Virginia

Harvard Course Packet, Jonathan Bundy

Social Enterprise Readings, Doug Schuler

Sustainable Enterprise, A. Santana