
Typical Problems That Prevent Your Air Conditioner from Optimum Performance

By Terrance Palmer posted 08-16-2020 17:00


It is so easy to become used to the convenience of an air conditioner in the home or office. Air conditioners make life so much more pleasant that it almost seems as if these incredible machines are just made to last without needing maintenance. 

Unfortunately, a lack of maintenance and the assumption that air conditioners just keep going is one of the reasons that cause major problems. Here are other common problems that prevent your air conditioner from delivering peak performance levels.

Check the air conditioner filter

Air conditioner filters are one of the basic problems that prevent an air conditioner from cooling or heating properly. Luckily, a dirty filter is one of the easiest air conditioning problems to resolve. 5 Star AC repair Houston will quickly send out a technician to do this type of job for you to get the equipment up and running properly again. 

Alternatively, they will clean the filter or check to see if it needs to be replaced and whether the system is draining properly. An emergency 24-hour service is also available, and the company’s qualified technicians operate on holidays to deliver excellent customer service.

Registers and thermostats

Simple issues like keeping the registers clean will help keep your air conditioning system in good condition. Clean registers are basic in terms of regular maintenance to eliminate dust and grime buildup in systems that use forced cooling or heating methods. 

A regular once over with a vacuum cleaner will usually be sufficient, but it is also important that there are no objects blocking the flow of air to your system. 

For central heating and cooling systems, always check that the thermostat is correctly set. If you use a smart thermostat, ensure that it is not exposed to direct sunlight, as this can reflect an incorrect temperature reading.

Internal and external blockages

Just as it is important to ensure that there are no blockages to airflow indoors, it is vital to maintain a free flow of air to your unit outdoors. Central cooling compressors are positioned outdoors. These compressors will only work well if they are not crowded out by shrubbery or infrastructure. 

Always ensure that there is at least a 3-foot gap between the compressor and anything else around it. Similarly, it is critical for the air above the compressor to flow freely. Make sure that there is at least a space of 5 feet above the compressor to enhance optimum performance.

Air conditioner window leaks

Window air conditioners are frequently positioned in areas that are exposed to a lot of direct sunlight. Extra heat means the equipment will need to work harder to get the job done. To help minimize the extra work needed, keep all doors, windows and shades closed throughout the day to trap cool or warm air, depending on the season. 

Either develop a habit to save energy by keeping curtains closed or consider an alternative. A local air conditioning expert will be able to advise you whether to move your air conditioner or replace the window model with another, more appropriate option.

Check for leaks

Window air conditioners can also be prone to leaks. Examine all the sealing between the air conditioner and the window to determine if there are any gaps. Hot air may be leaking in or cold air may not be getting out as needed. 

Either reseal the entire unit with weather stripping or use insulation paneling to cover the side panels for the best results. If you still find that your efforts have not helped, contact a local air conditioning expert to remove all leaks for you.

