
How to Use Customer Feedback to Improve Product Quality

By Terrance Palmer posted 01-18-2021 01:22


Product quality is important but not everyone agrees on what constitutes high quality. That is precisely why customer feedback is so important as it provides hints on how to improve product quality, making them every more useful for customers. A company has to do whatever it can to maintain its reputation of consistently delivering quality products to its customers. 

Quality products equal customer satisfaction

Outsourcing solutions become necessary to meet the needs of any business and to streamline operations. At some point, a business will require help from contractors to help with work they’re unable to handle. 

Outsourcing can become necessary for any business wanting to spin off some of its operations to an outside organization when they don’t have the time themselves.

Specification Management software helps all kinds of companies manage quality product specifications across the supply chain. Businesses can ensure the quality of their goods by involving Specright. 

Quality issues can come about because of poor specification management, but with Specright, product quality is all about determining and meeting the specification requirements of the customer and, in doing so, delivering the value that the customer expects from the product.

Product testing

It’s no good having a fantastic product that you launch without testing. Customer feedback will quickly alert you to the fact that you may have to recall all your products because of a fault. It is imperative to test products before launching time to fix errors and possibly even add features that customers require.

If you’re a hotel with new ergonomic beds, for instance, you can add feedback surveys into your Wi-Fi network. Most hotels provide free Wi-Fi to attract customers and it provides a good opportunity to also get feedback from them. 

Guests can create a free account to access the Wi-Fi, and the hotel can then make use of the captured email address to request feedback about the new beds. Free customer Wi-Fi can be a great way to get feedback from customers. 

General ways to collect important feedback

As already mentioned, it is important to make provision for feedback so that you can improve your products. You have to actually leave a way for customers to leave feedback on your products. The idea is to leave some kind of review system on your website. 

With these different ways of getting feedback from your customers, you need to think of what you need to rig up on your website to allow feedback on different channels. By calling your customers, you will need a decent phone system. Does your website have the means for live chat and are there feedback forms on your website?

Are you using social media to collect feedback? Facebook has its own tools such as Facebook post auto-responder that sends a message to anyone who comments on a particular Facebook post. You can set the auto-responder up on all your posts.

Survey emails 

Survey emails are a good way to find out what your customers think about your business, its products and services. Most of us have spent a few fun days in a new hotel or a few hours in a club and had them send a survey to your email address asking you how you found their services and products.

Emailing surveys allow a business to send the customer questions to see if the way they answered corresponds in the same way others answered. Similar complaints will alert the business that something needs to change and improve.

Of course, you don’t want to overwhelm the customer with long, complex questions so that they get exhausted just anticipating them. Ensure the survey is short so that you get well-answered replies that can be meaningful in improving your products.

