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Reminder: HCM Student Social & ESC

  • 1.  Reminder: HCM Student Social & ESC

    Posted 08-08-2024 07:59

    HCM Student Social (Thursday, 8/8, 6-8 p.m.) 

    ATTN: Student Members & Recent Graduates

    We would like to remind you about the student social that will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. tomorrow (August 8th) at Lucky Strike Chicago (322 E. Illinois St, Chicago, IL 60611). The student social is a fun way to meet new peers, connect with old ones, and settle in before the exciting week ahead!

    If you are planning to attend but haven't filled out the Student Social Google Form (linked), please do so ASAP so we can anticipate any changes before the event begins. We also encourage students, new members, and recent graduates to join our WhatsApp group (linked), where we will relay important comms, answer questions, and inform you about any informal gatherings. You can contact PJ ( or Ren (

    HCM Emerging Scholars Consortium 2024 

    ATTN: Students & Early Career Scholars

    Join us for the Health Care Management (HCM) Emerging Scholars Consortium (ESC) on Friday, August 9th in the Fairmont Hotel Cuvee Room in Chicago.

    Why, you ask?

    The ESC is a great way to get to know the HCM community, as well as to meet colleagues and collaborators. The content of the ESC is specially designed to be helpful for students and newer scholars. 

    We've got a great line-up for this year, chaired by the wonderful Amber Stephenson!

    Emerging Scholars Consortium, Part I (Morning 8:00AM-12:30PM) – includes the following sessions:

    • LinkedUp: Mastering the Art of Professional Networking 

    • Becoming an HCM Scholar: Demystifying HCM's Hidden Curriculum 

    • Addressing Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Justice & Reconciliation: A Doctoral Student Perspective – Part 2 

    Emerging Scholars Consortium, Part II (Afternoon 2:00PM-5:00PM) – includes the following sessions:

    • Evaluating Team Based Learning: Bridging the Classroom and Workplace 

    • Strategizing for a Life in Academia: Long-term Plan or Emergent Sense-making 

    While the consortium content is curated for students and junior faculty, everyone is welcome to attend.

    If you are interested in attending or have any questions, please contact Amber Stephenson, PDW Chair, at

    We look forward to seeing you all soon!

    PJ, Robin, and Ren

    HCM Student Representatives

    Amber Stephenson

    PDW Chair

    Pejmon Noghrehchi
    Doctoral Student
    The Ohio State University
    Columbus OH