STR Junior Faculty Paper Development Workshop
Application & Submission Deadline: June 1st, 2024
The STR division will host the 13th Junior Faculty Paper Development Workshop this year. This invitation-only PDW offers Junior faculty from the Strategic Management Division (STR) community the opportunity to receive dedicated feedback from several senior faculty who have generously agreed to participate. Each senior faculty will be assigned a few papers, providing the opportunity to interact closely in each group. We will open the workshop session together with short remarks and then go into the round tables for each group.
The faculty mentors offer diverse geographic perspectives, and excellent research expertise. Many have been or are editors for leading journals.
- Juan Alcacer, Havard Business School
- Mario Amore, HEC Paris
- Michael Bikard, INSEAD
- Olivier Chatain, HEC Paris
- Raj Choudhury, Havard Business School
- Waverly Ding, University of Maryland
- Sendil Ethiraj, London Business School
- Martin Ganco, Wisconsin-Madison
- Sam Garg, ESSEC Singapore
- Abhinav Gupta, University of Washington
- Elena Kulchina, North Carolina State
- Jiatao Li, HKUST
- Chengwei Liu, ESMT Berlin
- Mahka Moeen, Wisconsin-Madison
- David Ross, University of Florida
- Sonali Shah, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Eric Zhao, Oxford University
- Rosemarie Ziedonis, Boston University
- Maggie Zhou, University of Michigan
Requirements: If you hold a faculty position as an Assistant Professor or comparable rank and your research focuses on STR related topics, we encourage you to apply to the JFPDW. Applications should include:
- Your curriculum vitae, including name, email address, title, institutional affiliation
- The paper you want to receive feedback on (a new working paper, or even a paper that's been through the review process already)
- An indication of three faculty mentors who are of most interest to you. (We will do our best to facilitate matches but this will depend a little on demand.)
Please submit your application using this online form:
Click to follow link." target="_blank" rel="noopener">
Acceptance notification will be sent by the end of June 2024.
If you have any questions, please contact one of the organizers:
Wesley Koo (
Maria Roche (
Elie Sung (
Pavel Zhelyazkov (
Elie Sung
HEC Paris
+33 (0) 1 39 67 9813