The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management took place from August 4 to 8, 2023, at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston, Massachusetts. The Business Meeting of the Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) division was held on Sunday, August 6, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. A large group of attendees was present in the conference hall when Division Chair Sonali Shah welcomed the audience.
Sonali began by expressing her gratitude to Janet Bercovitz, our outgoing Past-Chair, for her outstanding leadership and service during the last five years. She then proceeded to thank Susan L. Cohen (University of Georgia), Colleen Cunningham (University of Utah), Hila Lifshitz-Assaf (Warwick Business School), Ram Ranganathan (University of Texas at Austin), and Eunhee Sohn (Georgia Institute of Technology), our outgoing Representatives-at-Large. Sonali emphasized that the division's activities are heavily reliant on the hard work and enthusiasm of our Reps, who organize TIM workshops and consortia, administer awards processes, and assist with developing the program for the annual conference (for more information see: our current team).
During the meeting, Sonali introduced Valentina Tartari (Stockholm School of Economics) as our new incoming PDW Chair, who will be joining the TIM five-year leadership track. This track includes Sue Cohen (University of Pittsburgh) as the Program Chair, Elena Novelli (Bayes Business School) as the Chair-Elect, Sonali Shah (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) as the Division Chair, and Maryann Feldman (Arizona State University) as the Past Division Chair. Additionally, five newly elected Representatives-at-Large were announced: Daniel Armanios from Oxford, Susanne Beck from LBG Open Innovation in Science Center & Copenhagen Business School, Aldona Kapacinskaite from Bocconi, Hyunjin Kim from INSEAD, and Abhishek Nagaraj from Berkeley. Furthermore, Sonali Shah thanked Llewellyn Thomas from IESE Business School (Division Treasurer), Paul Hünermund from Copenhagen Business School (Secretary & Social Media), Sonali Sharp from SUNY Albany (TIM Newsletter Editor), and Jermain Kaminski from Maastricht University (Webmaster) for their contribution to the division.
An important item on the agenda this year was a reflection on the strategic priorities of the TIM division in the upcoming years, which include several key initiatives. Firstly, there is a focus on regional online paper development workshops to reach underrepresented groups, with a pilot program currently underway in 2023. Additionally, the division aims to continue organizing mid-year research meetings – please look out for announcements on Connect@AOM and LinkedIn. In terms of communication, plans include updating webpage resources and developing a podcast series. And, the division intends to expand its focus by offering more activities for mid-career researchers. To facilitate this, a vote is underway to add two new Representatives-at-Large. Finally, the division will vote on the addition of two new Representatives-at-Large to form a social activities committee.
The Program Report was presented by Elena Novelli, Raffaele Conti, and Eunhee Sohn. In 2023, there was a significant increase in submissions, with a total of 721. Consequently, the acceptance rate for papers was lower compared to the previous year, at 50.1%, while symposia had a 70.3% acceptance rate. The submissions were well-distributed geographically, with 47% from Europe, 28% from Asia, 18% from North America, 3% from Australia/Oceania, 2% from South America, and 1% from Middle East. This year's program included 101 paper and symposia sessions, along with 9 professional development workshops and 8 division events. A special acknowledgment was given to our fantastic reviewers, with 38% being first-time reviewers, and 21 recipients receiving the TIM Division Best Reviewer Award. The program committee once again successfully utilized a customized algorithm to efficiently organize paper submissions into engaging and coherent sessions. A track chair with expertise in each domain then grouped papers within their track into sessions consisting of four papers. Kudos to Eunhee Sohn and Shibo Zhou for designing and implementing this algorithm. Lastly, a heartfelt thanks was expressed to Francesca Hueller from Bayes Business School for her assistance in composing this year's TIM program.
Elena Novelli presented an overview of the various TIM development activities, while the Representatives-at-Large elaborated on their respective responsibilities, which included the Professional Development Workshops (PDWs), the Doctoral Consortium, the Junior Faculty Consortium, and research development workshops outside of the annual meeting. The TIM Research Committee members, including Daniel Armanios, Florenta Teodoridis, Linus Dahlander, Aldona Kapacinskaite, Dmitry Sharapov, David Clough, Florence Honore, and Astrid Marinoni, were appreciated for their contribution in providing feedback to other scholars during virtual and in-person research workshops, which are organized by the division throughout the year to connect the TIM community also outside of the annual meeting.
Subsequently, the 2023 TIM Division Awards for Best Paper, Best Student Paper, and Best Dissertation were presented. Congratulations to Jacqueline Lane (Harvard U.), Zoe Szajnfarber(George Washington U.) Jason Crusan (George Washington U.), Michael Menietti (Harvard U.), and Karim Lakhani (Harvard U.) for winning the Best Paper Award, to Xiaoli Tang (Washington U. in St. Louis) for winning the Best Student Paper Award, and Ying Li (U. Carlos III de Madrid) who was awarded this year’s Best Dissertation Award. Afterwards, Sonali Shah announced Colleen Cunningham (U. of Utah) as the TIM Past Chair’s Emerging Scholar Award winner.
Alfonso Gambardella (Bocconi) is the recipient of the 2023 TIM Distinguished Scholar Award. The executive committee of the TIM division acknowledges Alfonso as a well-established scholar whose contributions to the TIM domain are influential and path-breaking. His scholarly, teaching, and service contributions are exemplary of excellence. A video of his talk can be found here. |
Llewellyn Thomas presented the Treasurer's Report as the final item on the agenda. Due to the significantly reduced costs for the virtual meetings in 2020 and 2021, the division has accumulated financial resources from previous years. However, the cost ratio went up substantially in 2023, and as a result, Llewellyn urged all division members to help in finding additional sponsorship opportunities for the upcoming annual meetings. You can contact Treasurer Llewellyn Thomas to offer your assistance. The meeting concluded with a final word of gratitude to this year's sponsors: Arizona State University, Bayes Business School, IESE Business School, and the Lazaridis Institute.
