Please consider submitting your extended abstracts to Track P53 - "Technologies And Business Model Innovations: Emergence, Evolution, Exaptation And Entanglement" at the R&D Management Conference 2024, scheduled for 17-19 June 2024 at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. Deadline: February 14, 2024.
For further detail: R&D Stockholm - Call for Abstracts
Name and contact details of the track chair:
Anup Karath Nair, Email:
University of Liverpool, Management School
Strategy, International Business and Entrepreneurship Research Group
Name and contact details of the track convenors:
Paul Ellwood, Email:
Dhruba Borah, Email:
University of Liverpool, Management School
Strategy, International Business and Entrepreneurship Research Group
Track Summary: This is a call for papers that advance our understanding on the relationships between technology and business model innovation (henceforth BMI). The interplay between technology defined as "the incorporation of knowledge into artifacts that can be used to solve problems" (Grodal, et al., 2023, p. 142) and BMI understood as, the discovery or creation of fundamentally novel "design or architecture of the value creation, delivery, and capture mechanisms [a firm] employs" (Teece, 2018, p. 41), has begun to pique scholarly attention in recent years (Spieth, et al., 2023; Ancillai, et al., 2023; Foss & Saebi, 2017; Massa, et al., 2017; Demil, et al., 2015; Baden-Fuller & Haefliger, 2013). However, despite acknowledgement of the reciprocal relationship that binds technology and BMI, the relationship between the two concepts has received very little theoretical or empirical scrutiny. Contributors to this track may choose to focus on the role of technology in BMI or on the role of BMI in technology development and commercialization. Equally, we welcome contributions that examine the interplay between these two perspectives and propose emergence (MacKay, et al., 2021; Kapoor & Klueter, 2020), evolution (Grodal, et al., 2023), exaptation (Andriani & Cattani, 2016; Garud, et al., 2016), and entanglement (Scott & Orlikowski, 2014) to categorize the intricate relationship between technology and BMI. In line with the overall theme for this year's conference - "Transforming industries through technology" - we are interested in research contributions that are either conceptual, empirical or methodological that related to multiple industries including, but not limited to, manufacturing, telecom, healthcare, pharmaceutical, energy, automation, industrial digital technologies (IDTs) and knowledge-intensive services. High-quality abstracts / manuscripts offering novel insights and contributions in both, early and later stages of development, are, therefore, warmly invited.
The following questions illustrate potential areas of interest, but they offer only a starting point; we welcome creativity in topic, theory and method:
1.Why do firms choose sustaining or disruptive technologies for BMI?
2.How do new technologies enable business model experimentation in organizations?
3.What challenges do new technologies pose that hinder business model (re)configuration processes in established organizations and how can such challenges be overcome?
4.How are technological or business model uncertainties defined and overcome in BMI?
1.How does BMI change sustainability management approaches?
2.How does technology evolution impact BMI?
3.How does technology and business model innovation lead to new institutional arrangements or the emergence of novel institutional infrastructures that gain legitimacy?
4.What mechanisms are used to maintain organizational stability during technology evolution and business model change?
1.How are technologies for processing big data shaping business model (re)configuration?
2.How does technology or business model exaptation lead to innovation?
3.Under which conditions are exaptation a more promising mechanism for BMI?
4.What are the performance implications of incremental, radical, or disruptive technology and/or business model exaptation?
1.How easily are BMI transferable from one industry to another, considering that consistency and fit are essential?
2.What processes and practices do firms use to exploit technologies using BMI?
3.How does the adoption of business model frameworks and conceptualization influence how technology is thought about?
4.To what extent do the mechanisms used to create and capture value from BMI change under the effect of digital transformation?
Ancillai, C., Sabatini, A., Gatti, M. & Perna, A., 2023. Digital technology and business model innovation: A systematic literature review and future research agenda. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 188(122307), pp. 1-43.
Andriani, P. & Cattani, G., 2016. Exaptation as source of creativity, innovation, and diversity: Introduction to the special section. Industrial and Corporate Change, 25(1), pp. 115-131.
Baden-Fuller, C. & Haefliger, S., 2013. Business Models and Technological Innovation. Long Range Planning, Volume 46, pp. 419-426.
Demil, B., Lecocq, X., Ricart, J. E. & Zott, C., 2015. Introduction to the SEJ special issue on business models: Business Models within the domain of Strategic Entrepreneurship. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Volume 9, pp. 1-11.
Foss, N. J. & Saebi, T., 2017. Fifteen years of research on business model innovation: How far have we come, and where should we go?. Journal of Management, 43(1), pp. 200-227.
Garud, R., Gehman, J. & Giuliani, A. P., 2016. Technological exaptation: A narrative approach. Industrial and Corporate Change, 25(1), pp. 149-166.
Grodal, S., Krabbe, A. D. & Chang-Zunino, M., 2023. The evolution of technology. Academy of Management Annals, 17(1), pp. 141-180.
Kapoor, R. & Klueter, T., 2020. Progress and setbacks: The two faces of technology emergence. Research Policy, 49(1), p. 103874.
MacKay, B. R., Chia, R. & Nair, A. K., 2021. Strategy-in-practices: a process philosophical approach to understanding strategy emergence and organizational outcomes. Human Relations, 74(9), pp. 1337-1369.
Massa, L., Tucci, C. L. & Afuah, A., 2017. A critical assessment of business model research. Academy of Management Annals, 11(1), pp. 73-104.
Scott, S. V. & Orlikowski, W. J., 2014. Entanglements in practice. MIS Quarterly, 38(3), pp. 873-894.
Spieth, P., Breitenmoser, P. & Röth, T., 2023. Business Model Innovation: Integrative Review, Framework, and Agenda for Future Innovation Management Research. Journal of Product Innovation Management, Volume, p. 1–28.
Teece, D. J., 2018. Business models and dynamic capabilities. Long Range Planning, 51(1), pp. 40-49.
Anup Nair
University of Liverpool