
  • Entrepreneurship Division Election Results

    (posted on behalf of @April Franco, Past Division Chair)

    Dear Colleagues,

    I’m pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 ENT Division Election:

    PDW Chair (first step on the five-year leadership ladder, starting Fall 2024): 

    • Trent Williams (BYU Marriot School of Business)

    Treasurer (three-year term starting Fall 2024):

    • Sharon Simmons (Jackson State University)

    Representatives at Large (three-year term starting Fall 2024):

    • Thomas Houston Allison (Texas Christian University)
    • Audra Grace Quinn (University of Southern California)

    This year, our participation rate was 22%, which is the same as the overall AOM participation rate and significantly higher than the past two years. 

    Thanks to all the candidates for their willingness to serve the Division, and to all who voted for their participation.  

    We appreciate the support of our members to help grow entrepreneurship scholars!