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Two tenure track Assistant Professor positions in the department of Business-Society Management Job description Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University invites applications for two tenure track Assistant Professor positions in the department of Business-Society Management, starting in the fall of 2023. Depending on qualifications, hiring at Associate Professor level is also possible. Required qualifications We are looking for candidates with: a PhD in management and organisation or a closely related field (PhD students in their final year are also invited to apply) an expertise in management research geared towards ...
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Position Announcement: New Chair in Innovation Management / Innovation Studies at the Stockholm School of Economics The Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) invites applications for a new endowed Professorship in Innovation Management/Innovation Studies, to be filled at the full professor or (tenured) associate professor level. The position is at the SSE House of Innovation and its Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology. The House of Innovation, a newly formed environment at SSE, offers a vibrant, interdisciplinary, and highly international research, education, and outreach environment focused on innovation, digitalization, and ...
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Passing of Andy Van de Ven It is with great sorrow that I have learned of the passing of our friend and colleague Andy Van de Ven. Andy's life and research influenced many of us in many ways. His writings on innovation, change, and engaged scholarship were influential within the OMT community and across the academy. He served as president of the Academy of Management. And we treasured him as an organizational theorist and mentor with OMT distinguished scholar and educator awards. Andy was the founding editor of the Academy of Management Discoveries among his many innovative contributions to our scholarly community. I always treasured my meetings and conversations ...
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Dear colleagues, The ERA Chair of Social Innovation at NOVA School of Business and Economics (SOCIALinNOVA-HUB) invites applications for tenure-track / tenured positions (starting September 2022) at either the Assistant or Associate level to advance its research mission in social innovation. The selected candidate will be expected to conduct high-quality research and contribute to the development of the research agenda and initiatives of the ERA Chair. ERA Chairs are European projects that allow universities and institutions to attract outstanding academics, with proven research excellence and management skills, while implementing structural changes necessary ...
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Dear colleagues, NOVA School of Business and Economics is looking for a post-doc fellow starting (as early as) January 2022 (September 2022 the latest). Application’s evaluation will begin October 1st, 2021, and will continue until a suitable candidate pool has been identified This position requires full-time work in research activities, with opportunities to co-author publications and present research at international conferences. More specifically, the SOCIALinNOVA-HUB Post-Doctoral Researcher will support research exploring the intersection between culture, institutions and community with the intent to publish in academic journals. ERA Chairs are European ...
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Lessons Learned: from a New Scholar (But an Old Hand) My name is Peter de KAM, and I’m a Doctoral student at Converse College in Spartanburg, SC. It’s a small school that emphasizes mentoring relationships between Professors and students. What makes me unusual is that I’m a non-traditional student. I’m 64 and have retired from two careers. I retired from my first career as a Captain in the US Air Force. I also retired from a second career at IBM, where I built a consulting organization then led a Global sales organization. I have also tackled “small” projects like delivering computer science training on a subscription basis to 15,000 Junior and Senior ...
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Amid the pandemic, conferences have gone virtual, and a lot of informal interaction has disappeared. Consequently, I have thought about alternative ways to meet with old and new colleagues and friends, to get feedback on my research, and to take full advantage of these increasingly digital opportunities. In this blog post, I would like to share some of my personal experiences with you and hope that you find them helpful in navigating this new virtual world. Here are five tips: Create your own research discussion sessions. Soon after learning that in-person events had to be canceled, my colleagues and I established our own research discussion sessions. ...
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AOM this year was definitely not what we all initially anticipated. However, just as many of our habits and routines have had to change over the past few months, how we attend conferences has also changed. My friends and colleagues never tire of telling me that I tend to see the glass as half full, so – spoiler alert – this might have had an influence on this blog post. It is my pleasure to share my experience with you of this very first virtual annual meeting, and I am grateful for the opportunity to do so. So, with that in mind, I’d like to share two key things that were especially salient to me at this year’s AOM: the collegiality and the job market experience ...
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When AOM announced that the Vancouver meetings would be canceled and the conference would move online, I started thinking about all the things I would miss. But I also began thinking about some of the possible advantages. Maybe having everything online and so easily accessible would mean that I would spend more time in sessions and less time on the street and in coffee shops, thus enhancing my organization and management theory education. Maybe going online with everybody interacting through a flatscreen would broaden the opportunity base for people who otherwise couldn’t afford to attend or, when in attendance, were often overlooked. And maybe the millions ...
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As we continue to shift everything online, life is slowly turning into a video game. And with a virtual AOM right around the corner, what better thing to do than to pass along a few cheat codes. You know, remember when hitting Up-Down-Up-Down-Right-Right-Down got you unlimited lives on Super Mario Bros and you could impress your friends (okay, what friends…) by beating the game in under two hours? Ah, those were the days, weren’t they? Well today, as we approach our first video game (ahem, virtual) AOM conference in just a few weeks, we wanted to share a few cheat codes that we picked up by attending and organizing other virtual conferences this summer. ...
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Job market recap: With the AOM virtual conference around the corner, catch the important highlights and takeaways of Thursdays with OMT in the latest OMT Blog post by Mariam Siddiqui. Mariam Siddiqui PhD Candidate in Management Twitter handle @MissMarSid I’m a PhD Candidate at a Business School in London, and the last few months have not been the easiest. I never expected the journey of my doctoral education to be a linear step-by-step process. However, no one could have anticipated a global pandemic right in the middle of it, either. Having spoken to my friends, it seems we are all going through similar anxieties, some ...

I Love OMT Meet-ups

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OMT Online Meetups are an initiative launched recently by the OMT Executive Committee to help PhD students and junior scholars talk with and get advice from more senior scholars. Here’s a faculty perspective about the meetups from Robert Eberhart: I love OMT meet-ups. Let’s face it, research is generally a lonely, lone-wolf activity. Few of us were among the popular crowd and advanced study is often tantamount to at least some social isolation. But we are social creatures who cannot know all that we need. So, as many have said, the virtues of communion with our comrades is both energizing and productive as we pursue writing the ultimate interesting ...
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A parallel between industry and academia is that some of the greatest benefits of conferences are the serendipitous conversations taking place in the coffee queues, at the end of sessions, and over networking drinks. As a recent convert to academia, this year’s conference season was important to me as a way of broadening my professional network and ‘joining a conversation.’ (PhD students hear this expression a lot; it has taken me a while to work out what it means.) And if I’m honest, I was also hoping to use the experience to sharpen the elevator pitch for my research. So, the switch to a virtual format – while understandable and an impressive feat – was disappointing. ...

The OMT Podcast - Season 1

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What could an English doctorate, standup comedian, and startup entrepreneur possibly have in common? The answer is: surprisingly a lot. Marc-David Seidel, Dalhia Mani, Hovig Tchalian, and Lori Yue once led separate lives in separate disciplines. But they eventually converged, having served as OMT executive members, and today they are featured in OMT’s season 1 podcast. We are all familiar with the work of organizational scholars, colleagues and co-authors who are known for studying organizational behaviors, actions, and processes. Yet, quite often, we know little about the lives of the researchers behind these organizational stories. It is therefore delightful ...
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Invitation to OMT Doctoral Student and Junior Faculty Research Development Workshop – “Different Ways of Seeing and Communicating Research” OFEL Conference, Dubrovnik, April 17-18, 2020 Dear fellow scholars, We are glad to announce the call for the Doctoral Student and Junior Faculty Research Development Workshop organized in collaboration with the Organization and Management Theory (OMT) Division of the Academy of Management and hosted by the OFEL conference in Dubrovnik, Croatia, on April 17 th and 18 th 2020. The confirmed workshop leaders (for now) are: Professor Santi Furnari (Cass Business School) OMT Representative ...
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