Conflict Management CM

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Seeking CM Most Influential Article/Chapter Nominations

  • 1.  Seeking CM Most Influential Article/Chapter Nominations

    Posted 04-13-2021 19:53

    Which conflict-relevant articles have inspired you? Which have influenced your work? Which have made a notable impact on the field? Has one of your own articles been important to the field of conflict management? Please bring such papers to our attention!

    The Most Influential Article/Chapter Award is given each year to an article or chapter published in the recent past that has already made a significant and influential contribution to research literature domains encompassed within the Conflict Management Division (CMD). We invite your nominations for two awards to be given, one for the 2020 conference year (which was delayed due to the pandemic) and one for the current 2021 conference year.

    Papers eligible for the award will have been published during a window of four calendar years, the ending boundary of which is five years in the past. To be considered for the award designated for 2020, papers must have appeared in print with a publication date no earlier than 2012 and no later than 2015. To be considered for the award designated for 2021, papers must have appeared in print with a publication date no earlier than 2013 and no later than 2016. In other words, we are currently looking for nominations for any excellent CM-related articles/chapters published between 2012-2016 for these two awards.

    (Note: For journals, publication date means the year one would find in a citation to the article in print, not an online publication date. For a chapter in a volume, publication date means the copyright date of the volume). 

    This year's award committee is soliciting nominations of specific papers from members of the Conflict Management Division, and will also generate nominations by reviewing important journals in the field. Eligible papers are those that fit in the division's subject domain, which encompasses a wide range of topics and methodologies. The CMD domain includes: 

    • The nature and management of conflicts at the individual, group, organizational, inter-organizational and societal level
    • Power processes, including influence, coalitions, coercion, deterrence, and persuasion
    • Bargaining and negotiation, negotiator characteristics and behaviors
    • Collaboration and competition
    • Third party interventions (such as facilitation, arbitration, mediation)
    • Distributive and procedural justice and dispute resolution procedures

    Possible indicators of influence on the field might include citation count, generative impact, and wide use in doctoral seminars, among others. We encourage nominations of articles that you have used in doctoral seminars or that have been important in guiding your own research. Self- nominations are welcome. 

    To nominate a paper, send a complete citation and pdf of the paper to Jana Raver, Past CM Division Chair (, by April 30, 2021. Please include brief comments on why you think the paper you are nominating deserves consideration. 

    The winners of the 2020 and 2021 best article awards will be announced and its author(s) recognized during the division's business meeting at the Academy of Management virtual conference in August 2021.




    Award given in 2019 (for article published in years 2011 – 2014):

    Malhotra, D., & Lumineau, F. (2011). Trust and Collaboration in the Aftermath of Conflict: The Effects of Contract Structure. Academy of Management Journal, 54 (5), 981-998.


    Award given in 2018 (for article published in years 2010 – 2013):

    de Wit, F. R. C., Greer, L. L., & Jehn, K. A. (2012). The paradox of intragroup conflict: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97, 360-390.


    Award given in 2017 (for article published in years 2009 – 2012):

    Gelfand, M.J., Raver, J.L., Nishii, L., Leslie, L.M., Lun, J., Lim, B.C., Duan, L., Almaliach, A., Ang, S., Arnadottir, J., Aycan, Z., Boehnke, K., Boski, P., Cabecinhas, R., Chan, D., Chhokar, J., D'Amato, A., Ferrer, M., Fischlmayr, I.C., Fischer, R., Fülöp, M., Georgas, J., Kashima, E.S., Kashima, Y., Kim, K., Lempereur, A., Marquez, P., Othman, R., Overlaet, B., Panagiotopoulou, P., Peltzer, K., Perez-Florizno, L.R., Ponomarenko, L., Realo, A., Schei, V., Schmitt, M., Smith, P.B., Soomro, N., Szabo, E., Taveesin, N., Toyama, M., Van de Vliert, E., Vohra, N., Ward, C., & Yamaguchi, S. (2011). Differences between tight and loose cultures: A 33-nation study. Science, 332, 1100-1104.


    Award given in 2016 (for article published in years 2008 – 2011):

    Behfar, K.J., Peterson, R.S., Mannix, E.A., & Trochim, W.M.K. (2008).  The critical role of conflict resolution in teams: A close look at the links between conflict type, conflict management strategies, and team outcomes.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, 170-188. 


    Award given in 2015 (for article published in years 2007 – 2010):

    Bowles, H.R., Babcock, L., & Lai, L. (2007).  Social incentives for gender differences in the propensity to initiate negotiations: Sometimes it does hurt to ask.  Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 103, 84-103. 


    Award given in 2014 (for article published in years 2006 – 2009):

    Aquino, K., Tripp, T.M., & Bies, R.J. (2006).  Getting even or moving on? Power, procedural justice, and types of offense as predictors of revenge, forgiveness, reconciliation, and avoidance in organizations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91, 653-658.


    Award given in 2013 (for article published in years 2005 – 2008):

    Curhan, J.R., Elfenbein, H.A., & Xu, H. (2006). What do people value when they negotiate? Mapping the domain of subjective value in negotiation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 91, 493-512.


    Award given in 2012 (for article published in years 2004-2007):

    Adair, W.L., & Brett, J.M. (2005). The negotiation dance: Time, culture, and behavioral sequences in negotiation. Organization Science, 16, 33-51.


    Award given in 2011 (for article published in years 2003 – 2006):

    Kim, P.H., Ferrin, D.L., Cooper, C.D., & Dirks, K.T. (2004). Removing the shadow of suspicion: The effects of apology versus denial for repairing competence-versus integrity-based trust violations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89, 104-118.


    Award given in 2010 (for article published in years 2002 – 2005):

    van Kleef, G.A., De Dreu, C.K.W., Manstead, A.S.R. (2004). The interpersonal effects of anger and happiness in negotiations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86, 57-76.


    Award given in 2009 (for article published in years 2001 – 2004):

    De Dreu, C.K.W., & Weingart, L.W. (2003). Task versus relationship conflict, team performance, and team member satisfaction: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, 741-749.


    Award given in 2007 (for article published in years 2000 – 2003):

    Jehn, K.A., Northcraft, G., & Neale, M. (1999). Why differences make a difference: A field study of diversity, conflict, and performance in workgroups.  Administrative Science Quarterly, 44, 741-763. 


    Award given in 2006 (for article published in years 1999 – 2002):

    Miller, D., & Ratner, R. (1998). The disparity between the actual and assumed power of self-interest. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74, 53-62.  


    Award given in 2005 (for article published in years 1998 – 2001):

    Chatman, J., Polzer, J., Barsade, S., & Neale, M. (1998). Being different yet feeling similar: The influence of demographic composition and organizational culture on work processes and outcomes. Administrative Science Quarterly, 43, 749-780.  


    Award given in 2004 (two winners) (for article published in years 1997 – 2000):

    Jehn, K.A. (1995). A multi-method examination of the benefits and detriments of intragroup conflict. Administrative Science Quarterly, 40, 256-282.

    Mayer, R.C., Davis, J.H., & Schoorman, F.D. (1995). An integrative model of organizational trust. Academy of Management Review, 20, 709-734.


    Award given in 2001 (for article published in years 1996 – 1999):

    Robinson, R. J., Keltner, D., Ward, A., & Ross, L. (1995). Actual versus assumed differences in construal: Naive realism in intergroup perception and conflict. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 68, 404-417.  


    Award given in 1999 (for article published in years 1995 – 1998):

    Friedman, R.A., & Podolny, J. M. (1992). Differentiation of boundary spanning roles: Labor negotiations and implications for role conflict. Administrative Science Quarterly, 37, 28-47. 


    Award given in 1998 (for article published in years 1994 – 1997):

    Carnevale, P. J., & Pruitt, D. G. (1992). Negotiation and mediation. Annual Review of Psychology, 43, 531-582.

    Jana Raver
    Queen's University
    Kingston ON
