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CM Division DIG election results

  • 1.  CM Division DIG election results

    Posted 05-20-2021 14:24

    Dear CM Division Members,

    I'm pleased to report that the results of the 2021 AOM Division and Interest Groups election are officially in and we have a great team of incoming Executive Committee members!

    Audrey Korsgaard has been elected as our incoming Program Chair-Elect (on the 5-year Division leadership track), and our two new Representatives-at-Large will be Christopher Bauman and Leigh Anne Liu. Congratulations!!! Biographical details on these incoming leaders are included at the bottom of this message.

    I want to thank all of you who took the time to vote in the DIG elections. We had an impressive 25% of the CM membership vote this year. The results were VERY close so every vote truly counted. As always, we greatly appreciate all of your involvement with and dedication to the CM Division!

    Please reach out and congratulate these wonderful incoming leaders.

    Best regards,

    Jana Raver,

    CM Past Division Chair



    Incoming Division Program Chair-Elect (Division Chair Leadership Track):

    Audrey Korsgaard is Professor in the Management Department and Director of the Riegel & Emory Human Resources Research Center at the Darla Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina. She earned a Ph.D. from New York University and a B.A. from Rutgers University. Audrey Korsgaard's research centers on trust and prosocial values as explanatory frameworks for understanding interpersonal and intragroup cooperation. She has studied these issues in a variety of work settings, including leader-follower relationships, investor-entrepreneur relations, work teams and inter-organizational relationships. She currently serves on the board of the Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management, the Journal of Trust Research, and the Journal of Organizational Behavior.


    Incoming Division Representatives-at-Large:

    Christopher Bauman is an Associate Professor at the University of California, Irvine. One of his lines of research is on information processing in negotiations and its implications for tactics that can increase individual or mutual gains. For example, a recent paper and ongoing work explores how contract language can influence regulatory focus and affect cooperation and trust development over repeated exchanges. Another line of research focuses on how people interpret and apply social rules, especially ethics and principles of justice. He has been a member of the CM division and has been teaching negotiations since 2007. So, he has a longstanding interest in and commitment to research and teaching related to conflict management. He would be excited to put together PDWs for the Academy Meeting and help serve division members.

    Leigh Anne Liu is the Fulbright-Hanken Distinguished Chair in Business and Economics 2020-2021, jointly awarded by the U.S. Department of State, Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, and Fulbright Finland Foundation. She studies how culture and cognition influence intercultural interactions, including negotiation, conflict management, and collaborations at individual, organization, and national levels. Her research appears in Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Journal of International Business Studies, among other outlets. She has been a visiting professor at University of South Australia, Toulouse Business School in France, Peking University and Nanjing University in China. She has consulted for Fortune 500 companies and the non-profit sector on conflict management and multicultural competency programs. Professor Liu has taught courses and workshops for undergraduate, MBA, MIB, Ph.D., executives, and high school students on topics of international negotiation, intercultural competency, cross-cultural management, and research methods. She is an associate editor for Journal of Business Research and Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, and a guest editor of three special issues. She has served on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Review, Management and Organization Review, and International Business Review.


    Jana Raver
    Queen's University
    Kingston ON
    (613) 533-3253