Title: How to draft theoretical contributions
Elizabeth Umphress (University of Washington) - Associate Editor at Academy of Management Journal
Wendy Casper (University of Texas at Arlington) - Associate Editor at Journal of Applied Psychology
Day and Time: Friday, July 8th at 2:00 – 3:00 pm EST
Description: Elaborating what the contributions of your research are to the current literature in a way that effectively reflects its importance is challenging, especially for junior scholars. To help organizational researchers learn more about what exactly "contribution" is (and what it is not) and how it can be effectively conveyed, the Conflict Management Division of the Academy of Management invites you to a one-hour, informal online information session with Elizabeth Umphress (University of Washington; Associate Editor at Academy of Management Journal) and Wendy Casper (University of Texas at Arlington; Associate Editor at Journal of Applied Psychology).
To register for this session, please sign up here. Or copy and paste the below URL to your browser: https://utsa.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bjRadjH5tp05PVk
***To receive the zoom link, please register by 5pm Eastern Time Wednesday, July 6***
The zoom link will be sent to registrants the day before the session.
If you have any questions, please email the organizers, Zahra Heydarifard (Zahra.heydarifard@utsa.edu), Laura Rees (laura.rees@oregonstate.edu), and Ruchi Sinha (Ruchi.Sinha@unisa.edu.au). We look forward to seeing you there!
Zahra Heydarifard (University of Texas at San Antonio)
Laura Rees (Oregon State University, Conflict Management Division Representative-at-Large)
Ruchi Sinha (University of South Australia, Conflict Management Division Representative-at-Large)
Zahra Heydarifard
Doctoral Candidate
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Carlos Alvarez College of Business
Zahra Heydarifard
San Antonio TX