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Join us for the 3rd AOM PDW on "Shaping the Research Agenda on the Future of Work!"

  • 1.  Join us for the 3rd AOM PDW on "Shaping the Research Agenda on the Future of Work!"

    Posted 07-10-2023 10:14


    Shaping the Research Agenda on the Future of Work


    Organizers: Lauren Howe (University of Zurich), Laura Giurge (London School of Economics), and Jochen Menges (University of Zurich)

    Deadline to submit panel questions and indicate interests for the themed sessions: July 25th, 2023



    Location: Commonwealth, Sheraton<u1:p></u1:p>

    Time: Saturday (August 5th) from 3:00pm to 5:00pm ET


    This PDW (in its third year) brings together a distinguished panel of scholars and practitioners to stimulate an interactive and developmental conversation on driving forward research in management on the future of work. Our core focus will be on collectively shaping a promising agenda for research on the topic so that scholars can contribute rigorous and relevant research that adds to ongoing dialogues and offer theoretical and practical solutions to ongoing transformations in the world of work.


    One aim of the PDW is to spark ideas for the Future of Work Research Prize, sponsored by the University of Zurich's Center for Leadership in the Future of Work, which funds promising research on the topic of the future of work. Participants will have the opportunity to learn more about the research prize and receive feedback on ideas they may submit.



    Leading academic editors at top management journals and academic researchers conducting cutting-edge research on the future of work:

    Morela Hernandez (University of Michigan), Associate Editor, AMR

    Erin Reid (McMaster University), Associate Editor, ASQ

    Brianna Barker Caza (University of North Carolina at Greensboro), incoming Associate Editor at AMD

    Gretchen Spreitzer (University of Michigan)

    Forefront practitioners engaging with the future of work:

    Arianna Beetz, Consultant at McKinsey

    Stacey Messier, General Manager at the Cambridge Innovation Center

    Medhi Nacef, Communications Project Manager at Klaxoon, a start-up that develops tools for virtual collaboration



    Part 1: Panel Talk and Group Q&A: Panelists will present their views about the future of work, including how to develop and publish research on the future of work and what type of research practitioners see as most essential in helping companies tackle the future of work.

    Part 2: Themed Sessions "World Café" style: Participants will have the opportunity to exchange with other researchers who have an interest in the future of work in a World Café style setting. This setting involves informal group discussions around themed tables focused on topics in the future of work. There will be two sets of discussions of approximately 15 minutes each.



    Part 1 (Panel) is open to all attendees and does not require any application in advance; to submit questions to the panelists, please complete the form below.

    For Part 2 (Themed Sessions), you should also complete the form below so that we can create themes based on interests.

    Deadline: July 25th, 2023



    If you have any questions about the PDW, please feel free to reach out to the organizers at and at

    Laura M. Giurge, Assistant Professor
    London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) | @lauramgiurge