Hello all,
Do you have a favorite paper that has made a substantial impact on your research? Is there a go to article that you use in your Ph. D seminars, send to colleagues, reread often – just because, or … cite when reviewing manuscripts as a research exemplar? If so, consider nominating the paper for the annual CM Division Most Influential Article Award. See the call for nominations below for more specific information.
Have a great week!
Nominations are now open for the CM Division Most Influential Article Award
Please nominate an outstanding paper published in the years 2016-2019. Send your nominations by May 10, 2024 to Pri Shah (pshah@umn.edu)
Here is more information about the award and eligibility:
The Most Influential Article Award is given each year to an article or chapter published 5 years (2016-2019) in the past that has made a significant and influential contribution to research in the Conflict Management Division (CMD) domain. Possible indicators of influence on the field might include citation count, generative research and theory impact, and wide use in doctoral seminars, among others. We encourage nominations of articles that our members feel have been instrumental in guiding their own research.
To be eligible for this award, the article should be published (not pre-published online version or only in press) in the years 2016, 2017, 2018, or 2019 and be within the domain statement of the CM Division (see below). A winning paper will be selected by a committee of five prominent scholars in the field invited by the Division Chair. The committee will consider papers from two sources: Those submitted in response to the "call for nominations," and from a collective search of papers within the eligible date range and CM domain by the committee. Self-nominations are welcome and the paper does not need to be authored by a CM Division member. Please send in the full citation and pdf for the paper. The award will be presented at the annual conference during the CM Division business meeting on Sunday, August 11, 2024, in Boston, MA.
Conflict Management Domain Statement
The nature and management of conflicts at the individual, group, organizational, institutional, interorganizational and societal level; power processes including influence, coalitions, coercion, deterrence, and persuasion; bargaining and negotiation, negotiator characteristics and behaviors; collaboration and competition; third party interventions (such as facilitation, arbitration, mediation); trust, trust violations, and trust repair; workplace mistreatment, distributive and procedural justice, restorative justice, and dispute resolution procedures. Major topics include application of the above conceptual foci to a wide variety of contexts including interpersonal conflict, team interactions, intercultural relations, organizational diversity, labor relations, workplace disputes, community conflict, and public policy development.
Pri Shah
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis MN
(612) 624-9863