*** Apologies for cross-posting ***
The third issue of Organization Theory is out now!
A bit later than expected, but issue 3 is now complete and freely available for downloading.
It is an exciting and theoretically rich issue with some excellent theory building papers on self-reinforcing dynamics in practices (Kremser & Sydow), on the ambivalent role of typifications in sensemaking (Weick), and on better conceptualizing the dynamics in managing paradoxes (Weiser & Laamanen).
This third issue also features several thought provoking meta-theoretical inquiries, including a critique of the gendered nature of management and organization theory (Cunliffe), an exploration of the significance of Sartre's oeuvre for contemporary organization theory (Fleming), and a reframing of institutional logics through the perspective of classic functionalist sociology (Alvehus & Hallonsten).
And to top it all off, this issue also features an agenda setting exchange on surveillance capitalism for the field involving Shoshana Zuboff, Mike Power and Mikkel Flyverblom.
For a direct link to the issue, with full access to all articles: https://journals.sagepub.com/toc/OTT/current
Conversations and Controversies
Surveillance Capitalism or Democracy? The Death Match of Institutional Orders and the Politics of Knowledge in Our Information Civilization
Shoshana Zuboff
Theorizing the Economy of Traces: From Audit Society to Surveillance Capitalism
Michael Power
Overlit: Digital Architectures of Visibility
Mikkel Flyverbom
Theory Articles:
Extending the Dynamic Equilibrium Model of Paradox: Unveiling the dissipative dynamics in organizations
Ann-Kristin Weiser & Tomi Laamanen
When Practices Control Practitioners: Integrating self-reinforcing dynamics into practice-based accounts of managing and organizing
Waldemar Kremser & Jörg Sydow
Institutional Logics and Functionalist Differentiation Theory: Challenges and pathways forward
Johan Alvehus and Olof Hallonsten
Must I Grow a Pair of Balls to Theorize about Theory in Organization and Management Studies?
Ann L Cunliffe
Arrested Sensemaking: Typified Suppositions Sink the El Faro
Karl E. Weick
Sartre's Lost Organization Theory: Reading the Critique of Dialectical Reason Today
Peter Fleming
Organization Theory (OT) is an online, open-access journal that publishes the best theory work in the field, ranging from theoretical essays and theory building papers to review pieces and debates. The journal is published by SAGE in collaboration with the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS).
OT offers a high-quality, developmental review process for authors. Submissions are handled by a dedicated and expert editorial team with experience in helping authors develop theory articles. For more details on the journal and our submission guidelines, see journals.sagepub.com/home/ott