Three Minute Thesis Competition (IACM)
Dear Colleagues,
We are accepting submissions for the Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition for the International Association for Conflict Management (IACM) conference, June 23-26, 2024, to be held in Singapore. The 3MT® competition celebrates exciting thesis or dissertation research conducted by graduate students. Developed by the University of Queensland (UQ), the 3MT® exercise cultivates students' academic, presentation, and research communication skills. The competition celebrates graduate students' capability to effectively explain their research in three minutes to a non-specialist audience. We have adapted this Novel Session for IACM from UQ. For the IACM 3MT® competition, suitable topics will fit within the interdisciplinary and broad domain of conflict management and negotiation research. This Novel Session, which will be presented at this summer's IACM annual conference, will feature the top-rated submissions. Each of the finalists' submissions will be presented, followed by a panel discussion featuring the presenters.
Professors Deborah A. Cai (Temple University), Michael A. Gross (Colorado State University), Jennifer Parlamis (University of San Francisco), Laura Rees (Oregon State University), and Ming-Hong Tsai (Singapore Management University) are the organizers of this session. The goals of this novel session are to (1) showcase the emerging scholarship of current and recent graduate students studying conflict and negotiation, (2) reflect principles of interdisciplinary, novel, and engaged scholarship under the wide umbrella of conflict management and negotiation research, (3) advance knowledge and understanding for the practice of negotiation and conflict management, and (4) highlight dialogue between theory and practice particularly among the field's emerging scholars.
Currently enrolled or recently graduated master's and doctoral students in all disciplines whose research fits broadly within conflict management and negotiation are eligible to participate in the IACM 3MT®. Students should be in the final stages of graduate school so they can have sound conclusions and impacts from their research. Recent graduates (less than a year post-graduation from the time of the submission) are also eligible. Previous finalists in IACM's 3MT® competition are not eligible to participate. However, submitters to IACM's 3MT® who were not finalists are eligible as long as they still meet all the above criteria and submit a new video.
Questions may be directed to any member of the review team:
If you are planning on entering the competition, we encourage you to contact a member of the review team to let us know your plans to submit.
Logistics of the Competition:
Submitters will be required to register for the IACM conference if their submission is selected as a finalist.
Our goal is to notify the finalists by May 1, 2024. If selected as a finalist, submitters will not be able to edit their submission.
Two runners-up and the winner will be announced during the live session at IACM. These individuals will receive a modest cash prize.
Competition Rules:
Recorded video submissions must be no longer than 3 minutes; submissions exceeding 3 minutes will be disqualified.
Presentations are considered to have commenced when a presenter starts their presentation through speech (timing does not include the 3MT title slide and commences from when the competitor starts speaking, not the start of the video). Presenters may have TWO (2)-and only two-PowerPoint slides. The first is a title slide, which is shown before your presentation begins. The title slide must include only the following information: the 3MT® logo (available here:; see below for where the logo should be positioned), the project title, presenter's first and last name, email contact, and presenter's university affiliation. The second slide is optional, but if included it should provide content, which should be shown from the start of the actual presentation and remain throughout the presentation. No movement or animation is allowed on this slide. Presentations with more than two slides will be disqualified from consideration.
Videos must meet the following criteria:
Filmed on the horizontal;
Filmed on a plain background;
Filmed from a static position;
Filmed from one camera angle;
Contain a 3MT® PowerPoint title slide (3MT® logo in the top right corner/right side), including project title, presenter's first and last name, email contact, and presenter's university affiliation.
Optional: A single static slide of content (different from the title slide) is permitted in the presentation (no slide transitions, animations, or 'movement' of any description). The slide can be visible continuously, or it may be 'cut to' (as many times as you like) for a maximum of 1 minute.
The 3-minute audio and video must be continuous – no sound edits or breaks.
No additional props (e.g. costumes, musical instruments, laboratory equipment and animated backgrounds) are permitted within the recording.
Presentations must be done in spoken word (e.g., no poems, raps, or songs).
No additional electronic media (e.g. sound and video files) are permitted within the video recording.
Please contact a member of the review team for any accommodations.
Submission information
To submit, email the organizers at with your first and last name, the title, email contact, and the university affiliation of the presenter along with a link to a downloadable file of your video submission. The video file format must be viewable on both PC and Mac machines without special software (e.g., MP4). Files sent in other formats will not be accepted. Please note: Competitors *will not* be judged based on the video/ recording quality or editing capabilities. Judging will focus on the presentation, especially the ability to communicate research to a non-specialist audience within the three-minute time limit.
The deadline for submissions is: April 1, 2024 (11:59 pm, Eastern Time zone)
Judging Criteria: At every level of the competition, each competitor will be assessed on the judging criteria listed below. Each criterion is equally weighted and has an emphasis on the audience.
Comprehension and content
Presentation provided clear motivation, background and significance to the research question
Presentation clearly described the research strategy/design and the results/findings of the research
Presentation clearly described the conclusions, outcomes and impact of the research
Engagement and communication
The oration was delivered clearly, and the language was appropriate for a non-specialist audience
The PowerPoint slide was well-defined and enhanced the presentation
The presenter conveyed enthusiasm for their research and captured and maintained the audience's attention
Send submissions to no later than April 1, 2024 (11:59 pm, Eastern Time zone). Submissions received with a date/time including April 2, 2024 or later will not be included in the competition. The decisions of the adjudicating panel are final.
Laura Rees
Oregon State University, College of Business
(541) 737-2551