Hi everyone
In case it's of interest (and if not, please forgive me):
To aid in the process of research and grant writing, Instats still has a places left for our three-part seminar series:
Using ChatGPT for Academic Publications and Grants (running July, October, and December). Through hands-on applications, the seminars cover AI-driven research methods in a way that is specifically designed for researchers, graduate students, and professionals seeking to leverage the power of
ChatGPT to enhance their research -- especially in the domain of grant writing, which as we all know can be quite tedious (even as it becomes increasingly important due to funding cuts). These seminars should be especially useful for those who need help in the process of manuscript preparation and grant writing, including ESL students/researchers, and all of us who are under substantial pressure to obtain grant funding with little support for doing so.
Delivered through three separate seminars, the series takes participants on a journey through the new world of large language models using AI, focusing on its applications in 1) streamlining literature reviews, 2) academic paper writing/publication (including automating the R&R process), and 3) grant application writing. The interactive lectures and hands-on exercises will help participants master practical applications and best practices to unlock the full potential of ChatGPT for research workflows. By the end of this immersive set of seminars, participants will be armed with the knowledge and skills to effectively utilize ChatGPT in conducting efficient, comprehensive research and automated grant funding applications, while navigating ethical considerations and potential biases.
Don't miss
this opportunity to revamp and augment some of your work by harnessing the capabilities of
ChatGPT (and Google Bard).
Best wishes
Michael Zyphur
Institute for Statistical and Data Science
Michael Zyphur
UQ Business School
University of Queensland