Call for Participants - CTO Junior Faculty Consortium at Academy of Management
The CTO Division is pleased to announce the Junior Faculty Consortium (JFC) will be held on Friday August 5th as part of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting. The workshop will take place from 9am to 4pm in Seattle, WA. While the JFC will be mainly held in person, accommodations for remote participants will be made.
The purpose of the workshop is to explore strategies and helpful practices for developing successful academic careers. Over the years, the CTO ( Junior Faculty Consortium has played a significant role in helping hundreds of scholars develop their careers and build professional relationships. This year's topics include publication quality and quantity, tenure and promotion, academic integrity, work-life balance, developing and fostering professional relationships, and other topics of interest to pre-tenure faculty.
Faculty advisors include:
- Manju Ahuja (Louisville University)
- Nosh Contractor (Northwestern University)
- Jennifer Gibbs (University of California Santa Barbara)
- Ola Henfridsson (University of Miami)
- Ann Majchrzak (University of Southern California)
- Melissa Mazmanian (University of California, Irvine)
- Anu Sivunen (University of Jyväskylä)
- Jeff Treem (University of Texas at Austin)
- Matt Weber (Rutgers University)
- Marco Marabelli (Bentley University) – Junior Faculty Consortium Chair
All untenured faculty and post-docs with an interest in information systems, organizational communication, and/or information science are invited to participate, so please make plans to attend.
To register, please send an email to Marco Marabelli at with a brief cover letter (stating name, current academic institution, year of PhD graduation) and a copy of your current CV. Indicate whether you have attended the CTO Junior Faculty Consortium in a prior year(s). Put "CTO JFC" in the Subject line. Please register before May 1. Space is limited.
Stay well,
Marco Marabelli
Bentley University
Waltham MA
(781) 891-2318