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* MISQ: Knowledge-sharing with the editorial board

  • 1.  * MISQ: Knowledge-sharing with the editorial board

    Posted 02-23-2022 09:37

    MISQ Knowledge Sharing Session on Causality in Quantitative IS Research

    Date:  March 16/17, 2022

    Apply here (applications close March 10, 2022):

    Would you like to know how MISQ editors think about major methodological issues?  Following our successful knowledge-sharing session (on machine learning) last November, we are delighted to invite you to our second session – on causality in quantitative IS research


    As a 'big tent' journal, we proudly support and celebrate scholarship right across the many genres (and combinations of genres) in our field. We will cover other genres in future sessions, so stay tuned!  We are focusing this session on causality in quantitative IS research because we have seen several interrelated trends over the last decade, both in IS research and across other fields:

    • A rise in attention to issues of causal inference in research design and statistical analysis, evident in research design choices and in authors providing (and reviewers requesting) a seemingly never-ending series of robustness tests 
    • Despite the rising attention to causality, an insufficient awareness of different approaches to causality and their potential applications in IS research  
    • The uneasy feeling that research studies are too often performed backwards:  problems and data-sets are chosen based on their ability to support sophisticated tests of causality, rather than problems being chosen for their importance.


    If you are interested in how we think about these and related trends on the MISQ Editorial Board, come along to learn from our editors: Senior Editor Sunil Mithas and Associate Editors Ling Xue and Nina Huang. Moderated by Professor Andrew Burton-Jones, Editor-in-Chief of MIS Quarterly, we invite you to join us, learn from our editors, and take the opportunity to ask questions.


    SESSION DETAILS – March 16/17

    Time 1: Chosen for Europe, Africa, Asia, and parts of the Americas

    • Wed March 16, 7-9am EST
    • Wed March 16, 12-2pm, Central European Time
    • Wed March 16, 7-9pm, Beijing
    • Wed March 16, 9-11pm Brisbane

    Time 2: Chosen for the Americas

    • Wed March 16, 4-6pm EST
    • Wed March 16, 1-3pm PST
    • Wed March 16, 9-11pm, Central European Time
    • Thurs March 17, 6-8am Brisbane

    Register here (registrations close March 10):

    Andrew Burton-Jones
    University of Queensland
    Brisbane QLD
    (604) 827-3260