Hi Benjamin,
I developed a game (and published it in a small booklet) a while ago that can bring about this change in mindset.
Basically, I give students a list of 75 current actual trends (i.e. published in the news), each one numbered and described in a short paragraph. I then break the students up into small groups of 4. Each student must select 3 of those trends *randomly*, and then pass those 3 to the student to his/her right. When students receive their trends from their classmate, they must put together those unrelated trends into a business idea. There is a short individual brainstorming period, after which all groupmates share their ideas with each other.
The benefit to this game is that students' assumptions are challenged when they are expected to combine unrelated trends, and their assumptions are challenged in the absence of expecting them to brainstorm a bunch of (futile) nonsense. Combining 2 trends is not too difficult, but that third trend is what usually throws a wrench into the ideation and forces students to re-consider their assumptions.
I can be reached at chihmao dot hsieh at sunykorea dot ac dot kr in case anybody wants to hear more about it.
Cheers, -chihmao.
Chih-mao Hsieh
SUNY Korea
Original Message:
Sent: 07-28-2022 11:07
From: Benjamin Thomas
Subject: Games/Case Studies to Challenge/Rethink Assumptions or Norms
Hello, Colleagues,
I am looking for a classroom-based activity, a game or a case study that nudges learners to challenge their assumptions or accepted norms. The assumptions/norms can be about anything, but the goal is to expose learners to the process of challenging and rethinking what they previously believed was 'decided' or 'standard'. Learners are business students of varying backgrounds (e.g., professional and traditional students). Any directions or ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance!
Benjamin Thomas
Springfield MO