Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM)


08-24-2019 19:45

This is the eighth episode of Listen to the Editors, a series of interviews with journal editors to unveil the trends in research for Operations and Supply Chain Management.

This month we recorded our episode live in the Meet the Editors session at the 2019 Academy of Management Annual Conference.

That session took place on August 12th. David Cantor was chairing the session. We had five editors representing four journals.

Wendy Tate is the co-editor-in-chief of the Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management. Morgan Swink was representing the International Journal of Operations and Production Management. Chris Voss was representing the Journal of Service Management. Tyson Browning and Suzanne de Treville are the co-editors-in-chief of the Journal of Operations Management.

While the entire session was interesting, I will place here some pointers to the contents:

(01:22) Editors present themselves and provide some highlights of their journal's mission
(08:47) David asks recommendations for authors
(09:03) Wendy: "read the journal."
(09:46) Wendy says that plagiarism, besides fit, is one top reason for desk-rejection in the JPSM.
(10:27) Morgan builds on that and says that the methods section are a frequent source of plagiarism and self-plagiarism
(13:15) Tyson provides an insight on the cover letter
(16:34) Suzanne offers a delicious anecdote on the cover letter (Annals of Accounting)
(18:44) David asks about non-traditional empirical contexts
(24:13) Suzanne weights in on interventionist research
(24:52) David asks how to describe data and methods (level of detail), especially when they are not well-known or very complex
(27:41) Tyson attributes the plagiarism on the methods to the desire to recite the right incantations; hence authors should be very familiar with the methods and the state-of-the-art
(29:00) Chris provided an example, where he and his co-authors were able to convince the reviewers by giving the full method description in the supplemental material. They initially did not provide the complete description to limit the size of the paper.
(29:55) Morgan suggests that authors explain qualitative methods because reviewers are more familiar with quantitative empirical methods
(31:51) David asked about supply networks research and open data
(34:00) Suzanne weights in on sample size
(35:32) A member of the audience has the impression that 100 cases are too few for a top journal
(39:01) Suzanne explains why editors are tired of hearing about gaps
(40:12) Morgan discusses rules of thumb, hard rules, and guidelines
(41:08) Tyson and Chris elaborate on the trade-off between rigor and interest
(41:43) Iuri asks about the role of surveys in modern OSCM research. Morgan gives his thoughts.
(45:20) Wendy provides her opinion on data obtained by survey firms
(46:07) Tyson gives some suggestions for sound survey design

The host for this show is Iuri Gavronski, Associate Professor for the Graduate Program in Business for the UNISINOS Jesuit University.

Listen to the editors is an initiative of the Operations and Supply Chain Management division of the Academy of Management. We post our interviews monthly in our division website. You can discuss any of the topics of this episode using our interactive tool, https://connect.aom.org.

Using the discussion section of our site, you can also post suggestions for questions, journal editors you would like to hear from, and requests for clarifications.

You can also subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or with the Podcast Addict app on Android.

Background music:
“Night & Day” by Dee Yan-Key is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA


2019-08-24 - Episode 008

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