International Management (IM)

Call for applications to post-doc in iIB -- impact of MNEs for inclusive development in Latin America 

05-02-2022 18:48

This call aims to fill 1 (one) position for a postdoctoral researcher in international business to be based in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The selected candidate will engage in the research project “Creating competitive advantage by serving marginalised communities: UK multinationals and inclusive development in Latin America”, led by researchers affiliated with FGV São Paulo School of Business Administration (Brazil), University of Birmingham, and University of Manchester (United Kingdom), with the cooperation of a researcher affiliated with Universidad EAFIT (Colombia).

Research Project:

Creating competitive advantage by serving marginalised communities:

UK Multinationals and Inclusive Development in Latin America

The objective of this study is to explore how multinationals in developed countries can contribute to the achievement of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, meeting the needs of vulnerable populations in emerging markets, while offering expectations of long-term economic returns for their shareholders. We intend to identify mechanisms and actions employed by these companies to serve vulnerable populations. To this end, we are basing ourselves on the theory of stakeholders, the theory of corporate social entrepreneurship and the literature on creating corporate value and structuring a qualitative study in countries in Latin America. We will focus specifically on the experience of UK multinationals in the region. We will collect data through focus groups and in-depth interviews with various actors (e.g., executives from multinationals, consumers and entrepreneurs from vulnerable communities, community leaders, NGOs, investment promotion agencies, local government representatives and local entrepreneurs).

For any additional information on the project, please see the short article below:

 For details of the application, please see attached file.

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