Organizational Neuroscience (NEU)

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Welcome to the Organizational Neuroscience AOM Connect Page!

We are happy to bring to your attention that Organizational Neuroscience (NEU) has been added to the division/interest group structure of the AOM. The Domain statement for this new interest group is as follows:

Specific Domain: The Organizational Neuroscience (NEU) interest group is dedicated to using neuroscience knowledge and approaches at different levels in organizations, as well as promoting linkages to management practice.

We encourage knowledge generation through theoretical propositions and/or empirical evidence pertaining to the neural mechanisms associated with behavior in the workplace. Concurrently, the interest group seeks to understand how the environment, culture, and institutions can affect organizational actors’ nervous system functioning. By considering neuroscience at different levels of analysis in organizations, we encourage interdisciplinarity and multi-methods research. Moreover, we stress ethical considerations when using neuroscience technology in workplace research.

As of March 2, 2020, you will be able to obtain membership in this new interest group. If you have any questions or would like to get involved, please contact David Waldman (