Turkish Academy of Management (TAOM) / YÖNETİM AKADEMİSİ DERNEĞİ (YAD)

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The aim of the association is to establish a shared platform that enables individuals and institutions with an interest in Management and Organization to engage in discussions, promote growth and facilitate effective communication, regardless of whether they are pursuing academic or professional endeavors.

TAOM aims to fund comparative research projects, facilitate international collaboration through formal research networks, and establish interest groups to promote knowledge sharing among scholars in Turkey and beyond.

Our primary objective is to unite management scholars in Turkey with the common purpose of generating universal knowledge, particularly from relatively less explored regions. Turkey's historical ties with the Middle East, Balkans, and Central Asian states provide a unique opportunity for us to strengthen connections with management scholars from these regions. We envision engaging in local and cross-cultural research activities, shedding light on new conceptual areas, management practices, and organizational issues often overlooked in the Western hemisphere.